Industry Directory: oxide (24)

Royal Electronic Fty. (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

Industry Directory |

Resistors specialist, Chip , Networks, Metal Film, Metal Oxide, Carbon Film, Fusible, Thermal, Cement , Power type, wirewounds.

Pan-Continental ( H. K. ) Limited

Industry Directory |

Copper Oxide for Parallel Electronic Plating System (PCB industry). Pan-Continental (H. K.) Limited is the biggest Copper and Zinc compound in Taiwan. Welcome to cooperate with your company.

New SMT Equipment: oxide (130)

BGA Reballing Training

New Equipment | Education/Training

In this One-Day class you will learn successful techniques to re-ball BGA Components.  Both Lead and Lead Free Solder Balls will be covered.  The student will have an opportunity to use and evaluate some of the most popular BGA rework fixtures on the

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Gold Contact Replating Kit

Gold Contact Replating Kit

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

The BEST Gold Contact Replating Kit includes the tools you need for fast replating and modification of circuit contacts. Edge contacts may require replating if they are contaminated with solder or become scratched during handling or do not meet the m


Electronics Forum: oxide (898)

Copper oxide

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 15:41:23 EDT 2003 | davef

Q: Could any of you guys tell me what exactly is this greenish thing ? A: No, but is not copper oxide. Copper oxide is brown, the color of a penny [here in the US] or an untreated copper laminated trace on a board. Many copper salts are greenish in

Copper oxide

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 01 23:43:52 EDT 2003 | Yngwie

Thanks Dave, the residue appeared to be similar to fungus. First, I thought it could come from water soluble flux but, our plant only runs no-clean. So, can I concluded that this greenish "fungus" looking staff is not initiated from high hot air temp

Used SMT Equipment: oxide (12)

ASI Oxide Line

ASI Oxide Line

Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Equipment

ASI Conveyorized Oxide Line Set up for RBP Oxide replacement chemistry 24' Input 4'Spray Chamber/Triple Cascade Rinse 4'Flood Chamber/Double Recirc. Rinse Single Running Rinse Dryer Output Controller 480V 70A 3Ph Item has been rewired with Contactor

M.I.S. Engineering

Hexi Wave solder machine with nitrogen

Hexi Wave solder machine with nitrogen

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Wave

this type can be added with nitrogen protection system 1 Flux spraying system 1.1 Spray fluxer can sense the board size automatically, and the spraying area can be adjusted according to the width of PCB. 1.2 Spray fluxer can sense the conveyor

Hexi Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd

Industry News: oxide (279)

Online PCB Auction – October 7 – 14, 2014 Hosted By GoIndustry & Baja Bid (Featuring Items From Cirtech Electronics).

Industry News | 2014-10-01 15:59:00.0

PCB provider Cirtech Electronics located in Cape Town, South Africa will be liquidating their assets utilizing the online auction services of GoIndustry and Baja Bid. Bidding for the auction will open promptly at 8:00am PDT on October 7th, 2014 and will begin closing at 6:00am PDT on October 14th, 2014.

Baja Bid

Online PCB Auction - October 7 – 14, 2014 - Bidding Now Open!!!!!

Industry News | 2014-10-10 16:27:51.0

CB provider Cirtech Electronics will be liquidating their assets utilizing the online auction services of GoIndustry and Baja Bid.

Baja Bid

Parts & Supplies: oxide (6)

Surface Mount Techniques Solder paste Mixer

Surface Mount Techniques Solder paste Mixer

Parts & Supplies | Solder Paste Mixers

Solder paste Mixer Features: Unique contoured shape, generous appearance and practical, which is made by advanced coating process workmanship. Mixing principle is on the basis of Motor rotation and revolution mode of agitation, no need to defrost

KingFei SMT Tech

ACE Solder Paste Mixer

ACE Solder Paste Mixer

Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment

Features: Unique contoured shape, generous appearance and practical, which is made by advanced coating process workmanship. Mixing principle is on the basis of Motor rotation and revolution mode of agitation, no need to defrost the paste. Need to r

Reliable Electronics Co.,Ltd

Technical Library: oxide (28)

Vacuum Reflow Oven: The Best Way to Solder SMD Components

Technical Library | 2023-09-16 06:27:24.0

Vacuum reflow ovens are the best way to solder SMD components. They create a controlled environment that prevents oxidation and improves solder joint quality.

I.C.T ( Dongguan ICT Technology Co., Ltd. )

Influence of Salt Residues on BGA Head on Pillow (Hip)

Technical Library | 2016-05-26 15:07:36.0

The oxide layers are known as wetting inhibitors in component and PCB metallizations. The oxide acts as barrier that prevent the tin diffusion from happening. Besides, in corrosion studies, the role of salt residues -with Cl ion- on some metals is known as being promoters of oxidation or corrosion. On the other hand, most of corrosion studies with tin metallization are focused mainly on the corrosion resistance of tin alloys, but little has been done respecting to the influence of salts on tin metallization wetting. In this paper, a series of experiments was carried over to know the influence of specifically NaCl on BGA wetting given Head in Pillow (HiP) as result.

Continental Corporation

Videos: oxide (43)

With the best heat transfer in the industry, the Centurion is able to run any profile at the lowest set point possible, which minimizes the thermal differences over the product and uses less energy.

With the best heat transfer in the industry, the Centurion is able to run any profile at the lowest set point possible, which minimizes the thermal differences over the product and uses less energy.


The Centurion™ is a forced-convection SMT reflow system with tight, closed-loop process control, built for today’s high-throughput PCB assembly environments. With the best heat transfer in the industry, the Centurion is able to run any profile at the


How to reduce solder joint voids from 30% to 1%? Try I.C.T Vacuum Reflow Oven

How to reduce solder joint voids from 30% to 1%? Try I.C.T Vacuum Reflow Oven


  · What is the difference between SMT vacuum reflow soldering machine and ordinary reflow soldering machine?    · What problems can be solved by smt vacuum reflow soldering machine?   · What is the basic principle of vacuum reflow machine?   · Ho

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

Training Courses: oxide (2)

BGA Reballing Seminar

Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses

The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.

Precision PCB Services, Inc

BGA Reballing Seminar

Training Courses | | | PCB Rework and Hand Soldering Courses

The PCB rework and hand soldering courses courses cover techniques of rework and repair of PCBs, BGAs and other electronics assemblies, and teach fundamentals of soldering of electronics assemblies.

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Career Center - Jobs: oxide (1)

Thin Film Sputtering Engineer

Career Center | Corpus Christi, Texas USA | Engineering,Production

Improve and expand capabilities related to thin film sputtering/CVD deposition as required by Operations and the Business Unit. This position reports directly to the Engineering Manager. Responsibilities: Continuous improvement of sputtered th

DWA Global Search

Career Center - Resumes: oxide (2)

SMT process engineer

Career Center | NORTHRIDGE, California USA | Engineering

EDUCATION BS Electronics and Communication Engineering                Gujarat University MS Electrical Engineering        California State University, Northridge  ACADAMIC PROJECT Fabrication and Characterization of Silicon Carbide (SiC) MESFE

Sr. Process & Quality Engineer

Career Center | Houston, Texas USA | Engineering,Management,Quality Control,Technical Support

Seasoned Process & Quality Engineer. Degreed Chemical Engineer. 20+ years in Electronics Semiconductor manufacturing. Proficient in Quality Statistical tools, Design of Experiments, FMEAs, APQP, PPAP, ISO 9000, ISO/TS 16949 etc.

Express Newsletter: oxide (43)

SMTnet Express July 18 - 2013, Subscribers: 26169

SMTnet Express July 18, 2013, Subscribers: 26169, Members: Companies: 13430, Users: 34947 Effect of Surface Oxide on the Melting Behavior of Lead-Free Solder Nanowires and Nanorods by Fan Gao, Karunaharan Rajathurai, Qingzhou Cui, Guangwen Zhou

Partner Websites: oxide (139)

Vacuum Fluxless Reflow Technology for Fine Pitch First Level Interconnect Bumping Applications

Heller Industries Inc. |

. Formic acid reflow has been developed in industry as a fluxless reflow technology. During the process, formic acid vapor in a nitrogen atmosphere is introduced into the oven as an oxide removal agent

Heller Industries Inc.

Busch Pump

1st Place Machinery Inc. |

: C10360000149 Year 2010 200/230 VAC - 3 Phase - 60 HZ CE Marked Applications: Load lock Transfer Buffer Metrology Lithography PVD Preclean Implant Source RTA Strip / Ashing Oxide Etch Silicon Etch Technical Data

1st Place Machinery Inc.

oxide searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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