Pick and Place Philips Topaz with manuals Feeders are priced separately Topaz 14,000 cph places 0402 100 feeders Camera 32 mil year 1998 8 heads and Nozzles 2 monitors 18,500 hrs Manuals Thank you for helping make Quality Manufacturing Ser
Fully Automatic Pick &Place Machine -Online Automatic from Shenzhen ,CHINA Specifications: Model LEAD-2206 Working Type Online, Fully automatic Mounting Heads 6 Pieces
Electronics Forum | Thu May 10 02:57:03 EDT 2001 | kjellman
Hi, Why not have a look at Philips/Assembl�on, their ACM machine is quite nice. It may also bring you down to Flip Chip, 0201 some through hole and odd form placement. Nice options like bulk feeding, coplanarity tests, fluxing for FC, prom feeders (
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 10 08:03:51 EDT 1998 | Rudolf Kappel
:I am a German regional mgr with MIMOT. Please have a look at our homemepage...mimot.com. You will find the solution you are looking for. From 112 up to 328 barcoded feeders and a fully modular head construction allows you to start up with a small sy
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Upgrade of opel to 8 head, 1 x line array camera with fore and side light system for component alignment (45mm) 1 x moving area CCD camera for fiducial alignment equipped with automatic light adjustment, double shuttle LCS 4 nozzles (1 x nozzle 62A,
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
1.philips smt nozzle nafcm1 philips smt nozzle 0.88mmx0.50mm(custom) 946602747001 0.95mm×0.55mm(pa2747/00) 946602747201 1.3mm×0.88mm(pa2747/20) 946602747301 2.5mm×1.5mm(pa2747/30)nz. 2.philips topaz-x smt nozzle 5322 360 10
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
Which series nozzles could be used for Phlips Topaz and Emerald machine As we know, many parts are compatible for Yamaha and Philips machines, but some models their nozzles are not generic.So which series nozzles could be used for Phlips Topaz and
Basically the machines I program and maintain at work. Pretty cool stuff! Our Philips Topaz and Emerald Machine building an SMT PCB. The Philips Topaz has 8 heads with vacuum that pick up components and place them on a bare PCB. The Philips Emerald
Please check the video of Leadsmt complete online smd line , Lead-2206 online general pick and place machine with vision check system apply to all kinds of electronics with feeders only max 14 pcs . so any smt/smd pcb less than 14 pcs of components ,
1st Place Machinery Inc. | http://www.firstplacemachinery.com/smt_pcb_pic_place_philipsparts.html
Philips Spare Parts Philips Pick and Place Machine Spare Parts "New" Topaz - Eclipse - Emarald - Comet Quantity Part Number Description 32 5322-530-51373 O-RING, NOZZLE
KingFei SMT Tech | https://www.smtspare-parts.com/sale-35280983-9965-000-10929-shaft-head-assy-spline-h1357-without-bearing-for-assembleon-topazxii-xii.html
) 5322 693 11539 Topaz Inner spline shaft heads 2-8 5322 693 11542 Inner Spline, 16 micron 5322 535 10674 Shaft head asyy (shaft head assy head 1-3-5-7 for SF and FNC head
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