Electronics Forum: philips cms 84 iii (11)

Re: CMS-84V Software questions

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 15 08:00:49 EDT 2000 | Mark Charlton

I've been using the Philips CSM84V for more than 7 years now and would be glad to help you any way I can. Do you have a Mark III or is you machine a Mark II or earlier? Some important differences in the way things are done between the two. CSM Too

CMS-84V Software questions

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 14 17:18:30 EDT 2000 | Allan Overcast

I just purchased a used Philips CMS-84V pick and place machine and am curious if their software (CSM toolbox and/or CSM digitizer) is needed. I use the Protel for Windows PCB layout software. Any input would be helpful. Thanks!

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