1240 plutuim gold board finish what solder alloy should you use when soldering results

Electronics Forum: plutuim gold board finish what solder alloy should you use when soldering (28)

soft gold vs immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 18:36:03 EDT 2004 | davef

90 Knoop. Q2: Thickness is 4 to 10 u" for Au and 300 to 400 u" for nickel A2: This looks like a ENIG spec. Although, the Ni is quite heavy, 150 uin is sufficient for most applications. [IPC-4552 ENIG specification: * Gold thickness of 0.075 - 0.125

ECOs on OSP finish

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 30 11:28:24 EDT 2001 | davef

Consider using a roll solder with a flux that well matches the residues you can accept to be remaining on the board when you get finished processing. Many people use a no-clean flux cored roll solder for such operations, because they don't want to c

Industry News: plutuim gold board finish what solder alloy should you use when soldering (1)

What's usage of Via tenting for PCB design?

Industry News | 2019-11-05 22:07:01.0

Tenting a via refers to covering via with soldermask to enclose or skin over the opening. A via is a hole drilled into the PCB that allows multiple layers on the PCB to be connected to each other. A non tented via is just a via that is not covered with the soldermask layer. Leaving these vias exposed or covered has pros and cons depending on the your design and manufacturing requirements.


Express Newsletter: plutuim gold board finish what solder alloy should you use when soldering (1148)

SMTnet Express January 24 - 2013, Subscribers: 26136

SMTnet Express January 24, 2013, Subscribers: 26136, Members: Companies: 9096, Users: 34208 An investigation into low temperature tin-bismuth and tin-bismuth-silver lead-free alloy solder pastes for electronics manufacturing applications

Partner Websites: plutuim gold board finish what solder alloy should you use when soldering (63)

Do You Know All of the Applications for Soldering?

| https://www.eptac.com/blog/do-you-know-all-of-the-applications-for-soldering

: Regardless of the type of soldering application, it’s important to consider potential issues when joining metal surfaces together. You should consider the melting temperature, which type of soldering tool to use, whether to use lead-free solders and any exposure you may have to the materials and by-products of the application. Q

Solder Selection Guide

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions | https://www.nordson.com/en/divisions/efd/resource-center/solder-selection-guide

. There are additional details of alloy and flux performance not covered that can be very important in the selection process. It is always worth a call to your Nordson EFD solder sales specialist to review requirements to ensure you are using the best solder paste for the job.   Step 1

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

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