Electronics Forum: qsp-2 axis (9)

Quad QSP-2 noisy belt

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 02 15:13:13 EDT 2019 | daniel_marquette

On our QSP-2, the Y axis belts start to vibrate during the process so we need to open the doors to stop this because of the humming sound. What can creates this knowing that all the movements and placement are spot on?

QSP2 servo amp

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 22 04:55:41 EST 2014 | bobpan

Swap the amps but first manually check by hand to make sure the z-axis is free to move up and down. Sometimes a part can get stuck in the gears. Good Luck

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KG7-M7116-00X YVL88 No 2 Head R Axis Belt 110TN15-5.0K Yamaha Belt

KingFei SMT Tech | https://www.smtspare-parts.com/sale-13370315-kg7-m7116-00x-yvl88-no-2-head-r-axis-belt-110tn15-5-0k-yamaha-belt.html

KG7-M7116-00X YVL88 No 2 Head R Axis Belt 110TN15-5.0K Yamaha Belt Leave a Message We will call you back soon! Your message must be between 20-3,000 characters

KingFei SMT Tech

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