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Surface Mount Technician - Quad 4C

Career Center | New Castle, Pennsylvania USA | Production

Surface Mount Tech - Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Summary: **All applicants must be familiar with: Quad 4C equipment*** Will be responsible for Surface Mount Parts and Screen Printing Other responsibilities may include: Moves controls to activate

Synerfac, Inc.

Toshi Technology Inc.

Industry Directory | Distributor

Toshi Technology Inc. is a specialist in buying and selling, both Nationally and International, used Circuits Assembly Equipment and Automatic Test Equipment. (Fuji, Panasonic, Universal, etc)

Fuji CP743E

Fuji CP743E

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

(3) Fuji CP743E Chipshooters; 2003 - 2004 vintage. All consigned into the High Technology Exchange on March 12-14 on www.xlineassets.com List of additional equipment includes: TEST AND MEASUREMENT: Advantest Spectrum Analyzers Rhode and Schwa

X-Line Asset Management

GA Assembly Ltd.

New Equipment |  

GA Assembly Ltd. is located in the U.K. We are sub-contract manufacturers of PCB assemblies and Electronic Equipment. Our Niche has been production of high specification boards in small to medium quantities. We recently added a Quad 4C SMD placemen

GA Assembly Ltd

GA Assembly Ltd.

GA Assembly Ltd.

New Equipment |  

GA Assembly Ltd. is located in the U.K. We are sub-contract manufacturers of PCB assemblies and Electronic Equipment. Our Niche has been production of high specification boards in small to medium quantities. We recently added a Quad 4C SMD placemen

GA Assembly Ltd

DEK Horizon

DEK Horizon

Used SMT Equipment | Screen Printers

  DEK Horizon Specs: DEK HORIZON Screen Printer D.O.M.:2000 S/N:274691 Top Clamp Board Hold down, Wet/Dry/Vacuum wiper, Pin Support tooling, and External Vacuum Pump Location:Chicago, IL Machine being auctioned off June 12th - 14th at the

Cardinal Circuit

Electrovert AS100

Electrovert AS100

Used SMT Equipment | Board Cleaners

ELECTROVERT AQUASTORM 100 Inline Wash D.O.M.:Nov-98 S/N:11875938 Excellent Condition! Includes: ReSys System and Aqua Klean water close loop system, Large Filtration, includes filters on walls Location:Anaheim, CA Machine being auctioned off June 1

Cardinal Circuit Auctions

Philips Topaz w/LCS

Philips Topaz w/LCS

Used SMT Equipment | Chipshooters / Chip Mounters

Topaz Specs: PHILIPS TOPAZ W/LCS Pick and place Machine D.O.M.:Jul-98 S/N:M15317 Philips Topaz with LCS, Hours: 12541.9, Auto Nozzle Changer, 8 Heads, Location:Concord, NC Machine being auctioned off June 12th - 14th at the following link: http

Cardinal Circuit

Quad IQ 8 pin Feeders 8,12,16,24,32 and 44mm

Quad IQ 8 pin Feeders 8,12,16,24,32 and 44mm

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

8mm, 12mm, 16mm, 24mm, 32mm, 44mm IQ ( Intelligent ) Surface Mount Tape Feeders and tape feeder reel arms for QUAD Q series and C series pick and place machines. These are the newer 8 pin, deep pocket, feeders and they will work on the newer intellig

Mixed Logic

Preshow announcement for Adlink Technology productronica 2013 - Hall A1.254

Industry News | 2013-11-05 22:47:45.0

ADLINK Technology invites attendees to visit Booth 254 of Hall A1 from November 12 - 15 at productronica 2013 in Munich, Germany. ADLINK is showcasing our exciting measurement and automation products, meeting application and customer needs with USB DAQ dynamic signal acquisition modules, high-speed and high-resolution digitizers, and PXI Express controllers and platforms.

ADLINK Technology, Inc.

quad 4c searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

PCB Handling with CE

Best Reflow Oven
SMT spare parts - Qinyi Electronics

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
Formic Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
PCB separator

Reflow Soldering Oven & Pressure Curing Oven Manufacturer in India