342 quad 4c z wont initialize results

Electronics Forum: quad 4c z wont initialize (4)

Quad 4c not placing components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 04 09:47:41 EDT 2019 | smrsteve

Hello All, I've just bought a Quad 4c pick & place machine. It's so close to actually building boards, but just doesn't quite get there. I was wondering if there's somebody out there with experience of these machines that might be able to help...?

QUAD 4C T axis

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 03:20:29 EDT 2008 | miroyu

Hi everyone I have Quad 4C with following problem. When I run machine "cold start" first power up it will run and initialize but after if I turn it off and back on it will NOT initialize. Z axis will push nozzle down and it will remain i that posit

Express Newsletter: quad 4c z wont initialize (338)

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