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Quad IV-c with Y-axis problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 07:07:01 EST 2019 | dfl

Another semi-related question: are the four motion cards the same? (except for the dips, I guess). I have a spare one, marked as T motion, all dips to up position. Can I use as X or Y, if I match the dips? The boards look like to have the same comp

Quad IV-c with Y-axis problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 17:38:32 EST 2019 | bobpan

try at 2 good luck

Quad IVc pickup problem

Electronics Forum | Tue May 10 09:45:53 EDT 2011 | veeckm

After changing mod codes 50,51 and 54,55 respectively on the HHT I will then goto ccconfig.sys file in the central controller software and manually enter in the new mod code values. I do not do any uploading/downloading of mod codes through database

Quad IV-c with Y-axis problem

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 26 15:47:10 EST 2019 | dfl

I'm with an annoying problem with an IV-c. Almost all the time the Y-axis "stuck" when the machine is homing. The motor tries to move the axis but only make a sound. If I move the axis by hand it can complete the homing and then goes to the IDLE. So

Quad IVc Main Breaker

Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 13:22:11 EDT 2013 | ngineer

Yeah, it comes on for a couple of seconds, then trips. When it comes on, before it trips, i can look into where the axis drives are, and the z-axis has a red and green led lit, while the others only have a green one. Then it trips. Maybe that drive

Quad IVc Main Breaker

Electronics Forum | Wed May 08 05:13:37 EDT 2013 | bobpan

Put up an e-mail address and i can send you a paper on setting up the current level to see if the board is working properly. The z-axis and theta-axis are swappable.....you just need to change the dip switch settings.

Quad IVC Motor Error 4

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 30 14:25:42 EDT 2011 | bobpan

x and y ribbon cables would be my first guess...... good luck

Quad IVc Main Breaker

Electronics Forum | Tue May 07 13:32:15 EDT 2013 | bobpan

Sounds like you may have a z-axis problem. I would check the axis out and run the z rod up and down by hand to see if there is a problem....sticking,sensor/flag broken....etc. Maybe you can unplug the z-axis card and then turn the machine on to see i

Quad IV-c with Y-axis problem

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 27 17:59:25 EST 2019 | bobpan

The y-axis on that machine is left to right. If this is the axis you are having a problem with....check the motor. I have had to tighten the tension on it before. If you notice you lose steps after running for a while then this is going to be the iss

Re: Does Fuji have adaptive pick?

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 23 22:00:50 EST 1998 | Phillip Hunter

| Many machines now have adaptive pick that helps tune in the pickup as the 0402 part moves around in the pocket. Fuji may have a feature like this, but I think they adapt the pickup in only one axis (by adjusting the feeder rack). Unfortunately th

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