Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 10:42:40 EDT 2021 | oxygensmd
I have a customer who ask close to prototyping jobs with low volume and high-mix components. A regular job have around 5-30 pieces board but have high quantity and many type of components. All the time over 1000 pieces of parts on board from 250-350
Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment
Rehm Reflow for sales : Rehm V7-3.8 CNX039 Rehm V7-3.8 CNX037 Rehm V7-3.8 CNX031 Rehm V7-3.8 CNX044 Rehm V7-3.8 CNX050 Rehm V7-3.8 CNX049 Rehm CSMS-V6-N2-3800180-400UK 0543 customerst@163.com
Used SMT Equipment | SMT Equipment
Rehm 回流焊 V7-3.8 CNX037 Rehm 回流焊 V7-3.8 CNX031 Rehm 回流焊 V7-3.8 CNX039 Rehm 回流焊 V7-3.8 CNX049 Rehm 回流焊 V7-3.8 CNX044 Rehm 回流焊 V7-3.8 CNX050 Rehm 回流焊 CSMS-V6-N2-3800180-400UK 0543 customerst@163.com