Electronics Forum: repeat with pick quad ivc (5)

Quad IVC 115 Component placement.

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 02 04:50:25 EST 2006 | bobpan

oh....for the feeders moving 2 parts....you must teach a pickup repeat. Make an extent in the pickup editor and attach it to repeat with pick and make it a 2x1 with an 80 mil offset. The machine will then pick the part that is out of the sensor first

Quad IVc PPM Software - How to Vision Align 0402 ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 11:50:55 EST 2023 | bobpan

Not many people use the vision on spin failure for 0402 parts. I would focus on repeatably picking the part from the feeder. If you insist on using vision then maybe you can take a permanent marker and darken the nozzle tip. Dont use a sharpie as it

Industry News: repeat with pick quad ivc (1)

PACE Offers 10 Free Nozzles with the Purchase of New TF 1800 BGA Rework System

Industry News | 2016-10-26 14:55:50.0

Vass, NC – Sept 20, 2016 – PACE Worldwide announces an introductory promotion in conjunction with the launch of their new TF 1800 BGA/SMD Rework System, which began shipping in October. For a limited time, PACE will provide 10 Heat Focusing Nozzles free of charge with the purchase of each TF 1800 System, a value of over $3,400 (£2,700/€3,340).

PACE Worldwide

Express Newsletter: repeat with pick quad ivc (793)

SMTnet Express - November 14, 2013

SMTnet Express, November 14, 2013, Subscribers: 26375, Members: Companies: 13489, Users: 35399 Making Sense of Accuracy, Repeatability and Specification for Automated Fluid Dispensing Systems by Nordson ASYMTEK Understanding accuracy

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