Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 11:37:15 EDT 2006 | russ
with this design you will have voids, you cannot trap the gas inside of via it has to go somewhere. These vias should be relieved from pad to prevent the scavenging of the paste during reflow. You may try a thicker stencil if you can to allow for t
Electronics Forum | Fri May 01 08:15:36 EDT 2009 | davef
Scavenging Methods [Improve Solder Scavenging of Large Area-array Sites, SMT, Laurence Harvilchuck, process research engineer, Unovis Solutions, harvilch@unovis-solutions.com] Two common methods exist for scavenging residual solder on the site for s
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 19:42:42 EST 1999 | Dean
| Need recommendation for Automatic site cleaning machine for BGA rework. (after component removal). | | Advice on BGA reballing equipment/methods is needed. | | thanks a lot | | Lin | Check out SRT (Sierra Research Technologies). Their solder sc
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 26 00:21:29 EST 1999 | Parvez Patel
Ya I agree with Dean. We've done quite a lot of work with the SRT Summit2000 rework station.The results have been satisfactory, to say the least. One should however characterize the different operating parameters:namely the working scavenger air flow
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 03 14:46:25 EDT 2004 | russ
We recommend to the designers "the smallest diameter that you can get away with", that will help reduce the solder scavenging into via diring reflow. unless you are planning on having them filled as Dave F mentioned. Russ
Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 09 09:52:48 EST 2018 | jmedernach
Rather than provide an endorsement of a particular brand, I'd like to give you some factors to consider in your selection: 1.) Bottom heater capacity and capability. The bottom heater is a key driver in a successful rework process. You want to even
Electronics Forum | Sat May 18 15:19:55 EDT 2013 | isd_jwendell
OK, I've now read all of the documents you referenced. The problem still remains regarding the thermal vias and how to minimize scavenging. All the docs acknowledge top and bottom tenting, and it's problems. TI says don't do it. Plugging is usually n
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 25 15:48:34 EDT 2001 | mparker
Scavenge all the old solder off the board and the chip. Micro screen paste to the chip. As far as thickness, check your aspect ratio to determine the spec. Eliminate just one variable at a time to get to the root cause. Start by not using the tacky
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 20 10:28:38 EST 2002 | jax
Silver in paste is usually employed to prevent scavenging of silver from silver plated surfaces, BUT Dave's right. I wouldn't think Components are uniform enough to base a process change on. See how it goes with what you have. You will probably find
Electronics Forum | Mon May 12 23:28:33 EDT 2003 | dehlers
To the best of my knowledge and experience the 2 % Ag component is not for embrittlement but rather to reduce gold scavenging caused by the propensity for tin to react with the gold. I have seen eutectic tin/lead actually disolve gold wire after a f