Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 08:22:09 EST 2005 | davef
Via in pad can have any size hole, but you're correct. The larger the hole, the more solder that is scavenged from the solder connection. We believe that a proper via in pad design will either: * Move the via to the edge of the pad and cover the vi
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 27 13:17:10 EDT 2005 | Rush Fan
Is there anyone using an SRT Summit 1100 to perform BGA removal/rework with underfill? I am interested in knowing how their site-scavenging equipment works and would like to here anyones' overall comments. Anyone know if I could see this process in a
Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 06 14:23:25 EDT 2017 | huwalsh
Hi , I recently purchased the above machine it is from 2004. The machine had been customized with no bottom heater and Scavenger was disabeled in the settings. I have a bottom heater being made at the moment. I was wondering if anyone would have .
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 09 22:00:44 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Hey Charles!!! Where in earthly heaven did you get a TO263 with "large solderable tab (approx 8mm square) on the back and 5 leads"? All the TO263s that�ve reached-up and smacked me have been "TO220s" with a modified tab and three leads that are f
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 27 20:16:20 EDT 1998 | Chris Haynes
| What methods do people use to dress pads after removing and before replacing the BGA? | We use solder wick and a soldering iron, focusing on not "dragging" the wick across vias. This is laborous and booring. Who has a better way? | Dave F SRT makes
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 24 22:03:39 EDT 2015 | davef
Here's some notes from IPC APEX 2015: * Black underfill is Heraeus. It needs to be preheated to 180-200*C for rework. Above 200*C it changes state and becomes difficult. * Clear underfill is from an unknown Korean supplier. * People from Heraeus w
Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 08 19:58:57 EDT 2002 | dasal
My specialty. Your right, Most corrugated contains S02 and the pallet is usually out gassing formic acid as well. Not a great environment for silver. Original press release follows: Reactive Polymers At AT&T Bell Labs, John P. Franey has developed
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 13 01:35:55 EST 2000 | Dean
Without further information my first guess would be lack of flux to "cut through" the ENTEK layer. Question: In X-ray is the suspect ball of equal diameter when compared to adjacent balls? If no then the volume of solder is different which would po
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 23 11:58:01 EST 2001 | mparker
You are mixing long exposed paste back into fresh? How long has your fresh jar been open to the air? You are probably doing yourself a disservice by scavenging the paste (it could have moisture entrapped). Your visocity has definitely changed. You a
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 06:32:06 EST 2013 | bandjwet
We have been running both SRT and APR rework systems for many years in our business as a service provider of BGA rework (http://www.solder.net/services/bga-rework-services The SRT is a true workhorse with good bottom side heating capabilities. If yo