New SMT Equipment: selective 6748 (2)

mySelective 6748 Selective Soldering System

mySelective 6748 Selective Soldering System

New Equipment | Selective Soldering

The Vitronics Soltec mySelective 6748 brings a new dimension to selective soldering technology. It offers the ability to solder each joint under its optimum process parameters. The machine’s architecture allows it to assume an optimized configuration

Vitronics Soltec

mySelective 6747 Selective Soldering System

mySelective 6747 Selective Soldering System

New Equipment | Selective Soldering

The Vitronics Soltec mySelective 6747 selective soldering automation workcell is ideal for soldering tall bottom side components, delivers great results as an alternative for pin-in-paste, and is perfect for safeguarding temperature-sensitive compone

Vitronics Soltec

Electronics Forum: selective 6748 (1)

MySelective Soltec 6748 install and training in Mass

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 23 11:20:51 EDT 2018 | gregcr

Hi All, I am looking for a tech able to provide final install and training on a MySelective Soltec 6748 machine in South East Massachusetts. Recommendations would be appreciated. thanks

Used SMT Equipment: selective 6748 (13)

Vitronics MySelective 6748

Vitronics MySelective 6748

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering Equipment/Fluxes

2003 VITRONICS - SOLTEC MySelective 6748 Selective Solder Dimensions: 91" x 82" x 80" Serial: _0312722701 Features: External X-Y Spray Fluxer, Multiwave Pot, Wave Height Measurement System, Combined SelectWave and MultiWave Soldering Technology,

Baja Bid

Vitronics 6748

Vitronics 6748 "Lead-Free"

Used SMT Equipment | Soldering - Selective

This machine is included in an online auction. Please visit the following website for more details on this machine.

Baja Bid

Industry News: selective 6748 (2) To Conduct an Online SMT Exchange Auction

Industry News | 2014-03-07 15:01:40.0 will be conducting an online SMT Exchange Auction. This event will include a wide variety of electronic manufacturing & assembly equipment from several sellers sites located at different sites around the United States.

Baja Bid

Baja Bid Online SMT Exchange Auction Begins Closing Tomorrow March 20th

Industry News | 2014-03-19 15:09:03.0

BajaBid will be completing its latest online SMT Exchange Auction tomorrow [Thursday 3/20/14]. This event will include a wide variety of electronic manufacturing & assembly equipment from several sellers located at different sites around the United States.

Baja Bid

Express Newsletter: selective 6748 (553)

Alternative Pb-Free Alloys

Alternative Pb-Free Alloys Alternative Pb-Free Alloys While SnAgCu (SAC) alloys still dominate Pb-free selection in North America, especially Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu (SAC305), there are alternative material systems available. Any OEM that is concerned about

Partner Websites: selective 6748 (27)

Online SMT Auction - Baja Bid LLC

Baja Bid |

& Place, 2009 Universal Genesis SMT Pick & Place, Agilent 5DX Series 5000 X-Ray, 2005 Vitronics 6748 Selective Soldering Machine, Conveyors and More

Baja Bid

selective 6748 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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