Electronics Forum: sergio (20)

Re: PCb surface Resistance

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 19 08:37:25 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| There is a PCB with SMD components glued on bottomside. When I make tests for checking the resistance of glue the result is a break in the surface of PCB. | | How can I measure the surface resistance of PCB surface? | How can I increase this resis

Used dispenser machine HDP-G1 or HDP - G2

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 30 14:40:05 EST 1999 | Sergio Luiz Vito

I am Looking for used dispenser machine manufactured by panasonic (HDP-G1 or HDP-G3). Thanks Eng. Sergio Luiz Vito

Industry News: sergio (11)

SMTA Provides Spanish Language Support for Online Training Courses on Assembly Processes

Industry News | 2021-05-21 04:21:36.0

The SMTA is proud to announce most101-level online training courses on assembly processes are currently available with captions for English and Spanish language. One course, Stencil Printing 101 has been completely translated, including Spanish narration by Sergio Chavez, a member of the SMTA Mexico-Querétaro Chapter, as well as all slides and quiz questions written in Spanish

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

IPC Strives for Genuine Benefits to Environment and Human Health in EU Legislation

Industry News | 2010-05-26 13:06:11.0

BANNOCKBURN, Ill., USA — In communications sent to Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) last week, IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries® lent its support to the adoption of RoHS Directive proposed amendments 197 through 203. These amendments support the use of a rigorous scientific methodology to evaluate additional restricted substances and their alternatives.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Technical Library: sergio (2)

Non‑Invasive Monitoring Of Ph And Oxygen Using Miniaturized Electrochemical Sensors In An Animal Model Of Acute Hypoxia

Technical Library | 2022-01-19 17:50:20.0

pH and oxygen electrochemical sensors were evaluated in a ventilatory hypoxia rabbit model. The ventilator hypoxia protocol included 3 differential phases: basal (100% FiO2), the hypoxia-acidosis period (10% FiO2) and recovery (100% FiO2). Sensors were tested in blood tissue (ex vivo sensing) and in muscular tissue (in vivo sensing). pH electrochemical and oxygen sensors were evaluated on the day of insertion (short-term evaluation) and pH electrochemical sensors were also tested after 5 days of insertion (long-term evaluation). pH and oxygen sensing were registered throughout the ventilatory hypoxia protocol (basal, hypoxia-acidosis, and recovery) and were compared with blood gas metabolites results from carotid artery catheterization (obtained with the EPOC blood analyzer).

Universitat de Barcelona

Estimating Recycling Return of Integrated Circuits Using Computer Vision on Printed Circuit Boards

Technical Library | 2021-06-07 19:06:32.0

The technological growth of the last decades has brought many improvements in daily life, but also concerns on how to deal with electronic waste. Electrical and electronic equipment waste is the fastest-growing rate in the industrialized world. One of the elements of electronic equipment is the printed circuit board (PCB) and almost every electronic equipment has a PCB inside it. While waste PCB (WPCB) recycling may result in the recovery of potentially precious materials and the reuse of some components, it is a challenging task because its composition diversity requires a cautious pre-processing stage to achieve optimal recycling outcomes. Our research focused on proposing a method to evaluate the economic feasibility of recycling integrated circuits (ICs) from WPCB. The proposed method can help decide whether to dismantle a separate WPCB before the physical or mechanical recycling process and consists of estimating the IC area from a WPCB, calculating the IC's weight using surface density, and estimating how much metal can be recovered by recycling those ICs. To estimate the IC area in a WPCB, we used a state-of-the-art object detection deep learning model (YOLO) and the PCB DSLR image dataset to detect the WPCB's ICs. Regarding IC detection, the best result was obtained with the partitioned analysis of each image through a sliding window, thus creating new images of smaller dimensions, reaching 86.77% mAP. As a final result, we estimate that the Deep PCB Dataset has a total of 1079.18 g of ICs, from which it would be possible to recover at least 909.94 g of metals and silicon elements from all WPCBs' ICs. Since there is a high variability in the compositions of WPCBs, it is possible to calculate the gross income for each WPCB and use it as a decision criterion for the type of pre-processing.

University of Pernambuco

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