Industry Directory: solder ball removal from laser (2)

ULT Canada Sales Incorporated

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

ULT is a vendor of efficient fume extraction solutions for air purification. The company's systems are utilized for the removal of laser fumes, soldering fumes, odors, vapors, gases, dusts etc. in electronics production.

EMSYDEL Electronics

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

EMSYDEL Electronics is a India based EMS services company capablae of working with complex Boards using SMT, THT lead free services. Run by technocrats , EMSYDEl differentiates itself through a planned and Tailored client benefits association.

New SMT Equipment: solder ball removal from laser (38)

BGA Rework Training & Certification

BGA Rework Training & Certification

New Equipment | Education/Training

This course is designed for students that require the hands-on skill and knowledge to reliably remove and install many types of the most complex BGA components. Students are taught methods for safe and reliable BGA component rework using a top of the

Precision PCB Services, Inc

Reballing Preforms-EZReball™

Reballing Preforms-EZReball™

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

The BEST EZReball™ process is the answer to your reballing problems. This BGA reballing process simplifies the process while eliminating the clean up of all those paper remnants, allowing for better yields and faster reballing times. The simplicity o


Electronics Forum: solder ball removal from laser (181)

Selective BGA ball removal

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 16:00:45 EST 2003 | Don A

It would depend on how many boards and parts you need to build. I would prefer an etch cut as it leaves the the part intact and you get the strength of the solder joint. It also reduces the handling of the BGA and associated damage from that

Selective BGA ball removal

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 22:41:42 EST 2003 | msimkin

Our design team have got a problem. We need to either drill out 6 vias/pads for a BGA site, or remove the solder balls form the BGA before they are palced. ( std eutectic) Has anyone used a vendor to remove balls from BGA (0.75mm piutch, ball size ap

Used SMT Equipment: solder ball removal from laser (3)

Yamaha YSi-V

Yamaha YSi-V

Used SMT Equipment | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection

YAMAHA AOI YSi-V MACHINE KLT-000 1. Model: Yamaha ysi-v 2. Target substrate: l610 x w560 (maximum) ~ l50 x w50 (minimum) & supports l750mm super long substrate (optional) 3. Resolution: visible light (red/green/blue) & infrared (infra-

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Juki KE - 2020M

Juki KE - 2020M

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

BRAND : JUKI / MODEL : KE- 2020M DESCRIPTION :- Used SMT Equipment Juki KE-2020M Pick and Place Machine Chip Shooter Machine Soldering Machine SMT Chip Mounter SPECIFICATION :- Pick and place system (5) Heads / Feeder float detection (2) Trolleys


Industry News: solder ball removal from laser (136)

SQC in Electronics Manufacturing

Industry News | 2003-06-10 08:16:44.0

The following text describes the application of NWA Quality Analyst to quality control in the assembly of electronic components.


Influences of the solder material for the wave soldering machine soldering quality

Industry News | 2018-10-18 08:04:17.0

Influences of the solder material for the wave soldering machine soldering quality

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Parts & Supplies: solder ball removal from laser (3)

JOT Optical BGA Rework Station FG-

JOT Optical BGA Rework Station FG-

Parts & Supplies | Repair/Rework

Three independent heaters control systems. FG-P6000 is available heating portion of the PCB board by hot-air circulate both from top and bottom at the same time. With large IR bottom heating, it can completely avoid PCB deformation during reworking

Goodluck Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd

JOT Optical BGA Rework Station PG-

JOT Optical BGA Rework Station PG-

Parts & Supplies | Repair/Rework

PG-P6860 Main Features: 1、 The top heater can move freely along the X, Y axis in the IR preheating area. It is good for many BGA chips distribution at different positions in the PCB board which need repair. X-shaped infrared laser can do rapid lo

Goodluck Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd

Technical Library: solder ball removal from laser (1)

New BGA Solder Mask Repair Technique Using Laser Cut Stencils

Technical Library | 2007-02-01 10:08:40.0

The increased replacement of high lead count SMT devices with BGAs and other high ball count area array packages has brought increased challenges to PCB rework and repair. Often solder mask areas surrounding BGA pad areas are damaged when components are removed.


Videos: solder ball removal from laser (29)

Pillarhouse Jade Mk II

Pillarhouse Jade Mk II


To see more about the Jade MKII Single Point Selective Soldering System visit Pillarhouse USA at: Entry-level, single point selective soldering system Designed t

Pillarhouse USA

Pillarhouse Jade Pro Series

Pillarhouse Jade Pro Series


Ultra-flexible, offline, multi-platform selective soldering system Designed to meet the needs of the small batch manufacturer who requires high levels of production flexibility. The Jade Pro offers the ability to regularly change solder alloys witho

Pillarhouse USA

Training Courses: solder ball removal from laser (1)

BGA Inspection, Rework and Repair Course

Training Courses | | | PCB Inspection Courses

The PCB inspection courses focus on improving PCB yield and reliability through validation and detection of defects on electronics assemblies.

ACI Technologies, Inc.

Events Calendar: solder ball removal from laser (3)

IPC Tech Ed Webinar Series: Ball Grid Array (BGA) and Bottom Termination Component (BTC) Design and Assembly Challenges: Reflow Profiling to Achieve Low Defect Rates and Successful Assembly! – Part 2

Events Calendar | Thu Oct 03 00:00:00 EDT 2019 - Thu Oct 03 00:00:00 EDT 2019 | ,

IPC Tech Ed Webinar Series: Ball Grid Array (BGA) and Bottom Termination Component (BTC) Design and Assembly Challenges: Reflow Profiling to Achieve Low Defect Rates and Successful Assembly! – Part 2

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Boston Chapter Webinar: Cleaning Chemistry For PWB and Rework - Part 2, session 1

Events Calendar | Tue Apr 13 00:00:00 EDT 2021 - Tue Apr 13 00:00:00 EDT 2021 | ,

Boston Chapter Webinar: Cleaning Chemistry For PWB and Rework - Part 2, session 1

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Career Center - Jobs: solder ball removal from laser (1)

Mid-Atlantic Regional Sales Manager

Career Center | Philadelphia, New Jersey USA | Sales/Marketing

LOCATION BASE SALARY USA - NJ - Central USA - NJ - Southern USA - PA - Philadelphia $67000 - 73000 Another $50K to $70K in commissions based on plan COMPANY BRIEF My client is a leading supplier of automated broadband communications assembly e

Electronics Search Group of MRI

Career Center - Resumes: solder ball removal from laser (1)


Career Center | Phoenix, Arizona | Engineering,Management,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Sales/Marketing,Technical Support

• Highly motivated, solution oriented professional with proven record synergizing scientific, engineering, and business administration backgrounds to drive and sustain customer satisfaction and long term improvements. • Articulate communicator that a

Express Newsletter: solder ball removal from laser (1135)

New BGA Solder Mask Repair Technique Using Laser Cut Stencils

New BGA Solder Mask Repair Technique Using Laser Cut Stencils If you don't see the images, please visit online version at #Application.SmtNet.baseURL#/express/ New BGA Solder Mask Repair Technique Using Laser Cut Stencils Best, Inc

Partner Websites: solder ball removal from laser (146)

How to Prevent a Solder Ball Defect | Imagineering, Inc.

Imagineering, Inc. |

. To resolve this, ensure that your ramp-up is less than 1.5°C/sec from average room temperature to 150°C. Solder Ball Removal Spray in air systems are the best method for removing solder ball contamination

Imagineering, Inc.

Reflow Oven Flux Removal System - Heller

Heller Industries Inc. |

. Doubles PM interval No impact to thermal profile How it Works The reflow oven flux removal system from Heller is a low temperature integrated catalyst installed in the heat modules

Heller Industries Inc.

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