solder mask with dark discolortion products, companies, forum discussions and technical articles 983 solder mask with dark discolortion results

Electronics Forum: solder mask with dark discolortion (2)

Issues with Immersion silver

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 11 22:14:59 EDT 2017 | dawson

Hi Adonys, What's ICP 1-3? Do you mean IPC? 1. Excess Plating- no excess, but filled with something which generated in the process of copper plating. 2. Dark Vias - it's oxidized. and the solder mask printing is not aligned. The board is failed. M

conformal coating - masking problem with ammonia

Electronics Forum | Tue May 12 06:44:16 EDT 2009 | jhk71

We do a conformal coating for a customer with copper-nickel-gold pads on his board. The pads are masked prior to coating with a standard gel, containing ammonia. After thousands of boards, being processed like this, now the gold pads seem to be less

Express Newsletter: solder mask with dark discolortion (981)

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