468 solderballs that form on sides of capacitors results

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| http://www.feedersupplier.com/SMT_THROUGH_HOLE

. The ends of the leads are then soldered onto pads on the opposite side or solder side. The drill holes and their pads that make up plated through holes can take up valuable real estate on the surface of the PCB, more so in multilayer boards, since the drill holes take up space in all layers

Radial Lead Forming Machines

GPD Global | https://www.gpd-global.com/co_website/pdf/lead-former/CF9-User-Guide-901-1-07.pdf

the tape. Depending on the components being processed and the desired component lead form, the second station may be used to both cut and form, just cut, or be excluded in order to leave components on tape. The indexing system, the heart of the CF-9

GPD Global

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