Industry Directory: standards on mixing solder paste (2)

Count On Tools, Inc.

Count On Tools, Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

COT specializes in high quality SMT nozzles and consumables for pick and place machines. We provide special engineering design service of custom nozzles for those unique and odd components.

Gen Pack Assembly Services Inc

Industry Directory | Manufacturer / Other

Gen Pack Assembly is a contract electronics manufacturer providing PCB assembly, testing, and box-build integration for your mid volume & high mix productions. A trusted partner for over 25 years, Gen Pack is proudly ISO:9001

New SMT Equipment: standards on mixing solder paste (41)

Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line

Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line

New Equipment | Assembly Services

Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line, Usage: PCB production, Full Automatic Assembly line, Speed: 60000CPH, it's with Automatic PCB Loader, Automatic SMT stencil Printer, Koh Young KY 8080 3D SPI, Automatic Pick and place ma

Qersa Technology Co.,ltd

Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line

Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line

New Equipment | Assembly Services

Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line Hanwha HM510 SMT Assembly Line, Usage: PCB production, Full Automatic Assembly line, Speed: 60000CPH, it's with Automatic PCB Loader, Automatic SMT stencil Printer, Koh Young KY 8080 3D SPI, Automatic Pick and place ma

Qersa Technology Co.,ltd

Electronics Forum: standards on mixing solder paste (89)

printing solder paste on test vias

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 23:35:20 EDT 2003 | kennyg

For ICT purposes I may need to print solder paste on 0.015" test vias. No-clean is not an option for this assembly and OA seems the only choice. Can flux be safely removed from inside the via from the other side during a standard water wash process

stencil/printing machines for solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 00:34:42 EST 2015 | comatose

There isn't going to be much worthwhile used equipment out there if you mean true jetting - it is a pretty recent process. There are lots of used stencil printers out there, so from an up-front cost perspective, stencil wins. Jetting is slow. A hig

Used SMT Equipment: standards on mixing solder paste (2)

chimall C-5000 Solder Paste Mixer

chimall C-5000 Solder Paste Mixer

Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Equipment

FEATHERS The solder paste miser efficiently and evenly mixes the solder paste to a liquid state. It helps to achieve better results of stencil printing and reflowing processes. The use of the mixer also reduces the chances of absorbing air moistur


Panasonic Panasonic chip mounter CM202

Panasonic Panasonic chip mounter CM202

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

=1.0 ±50/Chip Cpk>=1.0 ±35/QFP Cpk>=1.0 ±50/Chip Cpk >=1.0 ±35/QFP Cpk >=1.0 Productive Highest Tact (CPH/sec) 25,000/0.144 19,000/0.189 7,200/0.5 Effectiveness Tact (CPH/sec) 17,000/0.21 14,000/0.26 5,000/0.72 PCB trans

Shenzhen Langke Automation Equipment Co.,Ltd

Industry News: standards on mixing solder paste (169)

GPD Global's PCD Dispensing on Its MAX Series Platform Recognized with Two 2011 Global Technology Awards

Industry News | 2011-11-20 13:36:13.0

GPD Global has been awarded two Global Technology Awards in the categories of Adhesives/Coatings/Encapsulants and Dispensing Equipment for its PCD Dispensing on the MAX Series Platform

GPD Global

GPD Global's PCD Dispensing on Its MAX Series Platform Wins Another Industry Award

Industry News | 2012-03-05 14:26:45.0

GPD Global has been awarded a 2012 NPI Award in the category of Dispensing Equipment for its PCD Dispensing on the MAX Series Platform.

GPD Global

Parts & Supplies: standards on mixing solder paste (2)

Juki How to choose a second-hand placement machine on SMT?

Juki How to choose a second-hand placement machine on SMT?

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Many companies first applied SMT second-hand placement machines, and the selected placement machines were relatively stable, with low failure rate, easy maintenance, and important maintenance costs. Therefore, there are still many concerns about buyi

ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited

Juki How to choose a second-hand placement machine on SMT?

Juki How to choose a second-hand placement machine on SMT?

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Many companies first applied SMT second-hand placement machines, and the selected placement machines were relatively stable, with low failure rate, easy maintenance, and important maintenance costs. Therefore, there are still many concerns about buyi

ZK Electronic Technology Co., Limited

Technical Library: standards on mixing solder paste (5)

HALT Testing of Backward Soldered BGAs on a Military Product

Technical Library | 2015-11-19 18:15:07.0

The move to lead free (Pb-free) electronics by the commercial industry has resulted in an increasing number of ball grid array components (BGAs) which are only available with Pb-free solder balls. The reliability of these devices is not well established when assembled using a standard tin-lead (SnPb) solder paste and reflow profile, known as a backward compatible process. Previous studies in processing mixed alloy solder joints have demonstrated the importance of using a reflow temperature high enough to achieve complete mixing of the SnPb solder paste with the Pb-free solder ball. Research has indicated that complete mixing can occur below the melting point of the Pb-free alloy and is dependent on a number of factors including solder ball composition, solder ball to solder paste ratio, and peak reflow times and temperatures. Increasing the lead content in the system enables full mixing of the solder joint with a reduced peak reflow temperature, however, previous research is conflicting regarding the effect that lead percentage has on solder joint reliability in this mixed alloy solder joint.

Lockheed Martin Corporation

Study on the Reliability of Sn–Bi Composite Solder Pastes with Thermosetting Epoxy under Thermal Cycling and Humidity Treatment

Technical Library | 2021-08-25 16:28:36.0

In this study, a Sn–Bi composite solder paste with thermosetting epoxy (TSEP Sn–Bi) was prepared by mixing Sn–Bi solder powder, flux, and epoxy system. The melting characteristics of the Sn–Bi solder alloy and the curing reaction of the epoxy system were measured by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). A reflow profile was optimized based on the Sn–Bi reflow profile, and the Organic Solderability Preservative (OSP) Cu pad mounted 0603 chip resistor was chosen to reflow soldering and to prepare samples of the corresponding joint. The high temperature and humidity reliability of the solder joints at 85 #14;C/85% RH (Relative Humidity) for 1000 h and the thermal cycle reliability of the solder joints from

Nanjing University

Videos: standards on mixing solder paste (9)

RCM-H1000D Desktop automatic centrifugal mixer-temperature recovery type

RCM-H1000D Desktop automatic centrifugal mixer-temperature recovery type


RCM-H1000D series Desktop automatic centrifugal mixer-temperature recovery type One.piece use clause H1000D desktop automatic centrifugal mixer is based on current technology and safety standards: GB4793.1-2007 "Safety requirements for electrical eq

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Panasonic AM100 SMT Pick and Place Machine

Panasonic AM100 SMT Pick and Place Machine


Panasonic AM100 SMT Pick and Place Machine If you could not find any similar items you want, you may send some photos to us. because our catalog and website haven't included allof our products. Pick and place machine, SMT pick and place machine

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

Training Courses: standards on mixing solder paste (1)

Circuit Card Assembly Online Course

Training Courses | ONLINE | | PCB Assembly Courses

The PCB assembly courses provide knowledge of different processes and equipment used in TH and SMT assembly of printed circuit boards.

Automated Learning

Events Calendar: standards on mixing solder paste (1)

IPC Tech Ed Webinar Series: Ball Grid Array (BGA) and Bottom Termination Component (BTC) Design and Assembly Challenges: Reflow Profiling to Achieve Low Defect Rates and Successful Assembly! – Part 2

Events Calendar | Thu Oct 03 00:00:00 EDT 2019 - Thu Oct 03 00:00:00 EDT 2019 | ,

IPC Tech Ed Webinar Series: Ball Grid Array (BGA) and Bottom Termination Component (BTC) Design and Assembly Challenges: Reflow Profiling to Achieve Low Defect Rates and Successful Assembly! – Part 2

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Career Center - Resumes: standards on mixing solder paste (4)

Field Service Engineer / Manufacturing Engineer

Career Center | Colton, California USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Quality Control,Research and Development,Technical Support

• Strong experience with the installation, training, and repair on a variety of electro-mechanical, pneumatic, PLC, or computer controlled systems. • Strong Knowledge in SMT equipment, Screen Printer, AOI/SPI, Conformal Coat Systems, Reflow oven, X-R

NPI Engineer

Career Center | Theni, Tamilnadu India | Engineering

NPI Engineer: • Playing a role as NPI leader of the Telecom, Aerospace & Server Products to introduce and run to qualify the engineering build from customer. • Conducting Weekly NPI meeting with the CFT team to review the progress of the NPI schedu

Express Newsletter: standards on mixing solder paste (1057)

SMTnet Express - November 19, 2015

SMTnet Express, November 19, 2015, Subscribers: 23,763, Members: Companies: 14,760, Users: 39,366 HALT Testing of Backward Soldered BGAs on a Military Product B. Gumpert, B. Fox, L. Woody; Lockheed Martin Corporation The move to lead free (Pb

SMT Line Improvements for High Mix, Low Volume Electronics Manufacturing

SMT Line Improvements for High Mix, Low Volume Electronics Manufacturing SMT Line Improvements for High Mix, Low Volume Electronics Manufacturing This work covers two major projects aimed at increasing quality and efficiency on a high mix, low

Partner Websites: standards on mixing solder paste (3909)

Solder Paste Shelf Life and Testing | EPTAC


. The adverse affect would be un-reflowed solder paste, insufficient reflow, solder balls, dewetting, etc. The recommendations would be to perform a solderability test, slump test and flux activity test on the solder paste itself and see if it still performs to the original standards of the material

Solder Paste Qualification Testing for EMS Production

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) |

Solder Paste Qualification Testing for EMS Production 中文 MEMBERS LOGIN Membership Become a Member! Renew Membership About SMTA Ambassadors Benefits Classifications Member Directory Member Directory Corporate Suppliers Corporate Users Consultants List Advertisers Update Your Info

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

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Count On Tools, Inc.
Count On Tools, Inc.

COT specializes in high quality SMT nozzles and consumables for pick and place machines. We provide special engineering design service of custom nozzles for those unique and odd components.


2481 Hilton Drive
Gainesville, GA USA

Phone: (770) 538-0411

SMT feeders

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
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World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
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We offer SMT Nozzles, feeders and spare parts globally. Find out more
Voidless Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
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