Electronics Forum: teknek cleaner (4)

Inline PCB Cleaners

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 15:51:06 EST 2006 | tzawaide

We're currently using adhesive-type board cleaners (TekNek), and they've been more troublesome than anything. They cause a lot of hangups, and hence causing m/c crashes, etc. Any recommendations on PCB cleaners that can be integrated into the prod

Inline PCB Cleaners

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 18:28:40 EST 2006 | MikeAJ

An adhesive style cleaner is primarily used as a "precleaner" for bare boards only. These machines are placed between the loader and the printer. The TekNek machines can be best compared to those disposable lint and hair rollers. The same type of rol

Industry News: teknek cleaner (1)


Industry News | 2009-03-20 18:12:37.0

Teknek, the global leader in contact cleaning technology, is to launch no fewer than six new products at the IPC/Apex show in Las Vegas.


Express Newsletter: teknek cleaner (339)

What cannot be cleaned in a stencil cleaner

What cannot be cleaned in a stencil cleaner “What cannot be cleaned in a stencil cleaner?” The stencil cleaner can be one of the most versatile tools on the manufacturing floor. It can be used to clean electronic modules in various stages

Partner Websites: teknek cleaner (4)

TRC Circuits

| http://www.thebranfordgroup.com/dnn3/Employees/OnlineAuctionAdmin/TRCCircuits/tabid/1902/AuctionID/1636/Default.aspx?page=4

: Rapid 1500 Amp Rectifier w Ripple Filter Category: 210 Teknek Tacky Roller Substrate Panel Cleaner Sold at TRC Circuits on 11/30/2022 Vadnais Heights MN Previous Item Next Item Lot Number: 210 Description

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