Electronics Forum: tellefsen (2)

solder paste alloy effect on high frequency board

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 11 14:44:46 EDT 2007 | bbarton

Lots of papers out there on HiFreq circuits and the effects of solder paste residue. Google Dr. Karen Tellefsen. Simple test...take a "failed" board, remove the residues, test again. Has the problem gone away?


Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 10:17:54 EDT 2017 | davef

I agree with you. IPC Committee 5-24b Solder Paste Task Group is responsible for maintaining J-STD-005, Requirements for Solder Pastes. They generate "standards, test methods, and a handbook that reflects current practices in all aspects of electro

Industry News: tellefsen (7)

Best Papers from SMTA International Announced

Industry News | 2021-02-05 09:31:21.0

The SMTA is pleased to announce the Best Papers from SMTA International 2020. The winners were selected by members of the conference technical committee. For these exceptional achievements, a cash award and plaque are given to primary authors of all winning papers.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

IPC Honors Members at APEX 2002

Industry News |

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

2002-01-31 09:33:43.0

Technical Library: tellefsen (3)


Technical Library | 2020-07-02 01:14:44.0

Head-in-Pillow (HIP) defects are a growing concern in the electronics industry. These defects are usually believed to be the result of several factors, individually or in combination. Some of the major contributing factors include: surface quality of the BGA spheres, activity of the paste flux, improper placement / misalignment of the components, a non-optimal reflow profile, and warpage of the components. To understand the role of each of these factors in producing head-in-pillow defects and to find ways to mitigate them, we have developed two in-house tests.

Cookson Electronics

Using Rheology Measurement As A Potentially Predictive Tool For Solder Paste Transfer Efficiency And Print Volume Consistency

Technical Library | 2020-07-02 13:29:37.0

Industry standards such as J-STD-005 and JIS Z 3284-1994 call for the use of viscosity measurement(s) as a quality assurance test method for solder paste. Almost all solder paste produced and sold use a viscosity range at a single shear rate as part of the pass-fail criteria for shipment and customer acceptance respectively. As had been reported many times, an estimated 80% of the defects associated with the surface mount technology process involve defects created during the printing process. Viscosity at a single shear rate could predict a fatal flaw in the printability of a solder paste sample. However, false positive single shear rate viscosity readings are not unknown.

Alpha Assembly Solutions

Express Newsletter: tellefsen (1)

SMTnet Express - July 13, 2017

SMTnet Express, July 13, 2017, Subscribers: 30,584, Companies: 10,624, Users: 23,496 Divergence in Test Results Using IPC Standard SIR and Ionic Contamination Measurements K. Tellefsen, M. Holtzer, T. Cucu, M. Liberatore, M. Schmidt - Alpha

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