Industry Directory: test point exposed copper (1)

SEMICON Sp. z o.o. - Poland

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer

EMS company Laser SMT stencils mfg Tape converting , slitting , die cut Laser modules mfg Distribution materials,components ISO 9001:2015 ISO 13485:2016 AQAP 2110:2016 EN 9120:2018

New SMT Equipment: test point exposed copper (21)

PCB Footprint Expert - Tens of Millions of Parts; 25 CAD Formats!

PCB Footprint Expert - Tens of Millions of Parts; 25 CAD Formats!

New Equipment | Software

The PCB Footprint Expert is a powerful CAD library development tool powered by our own proprietary CAD LEAP Technology (Libraries Enhanced with Automated Preferences). It is packed with very powerful advanced library management features that cuts foo

PCB Libraries, Inc.

GC-PowerStation - Full CAM Package for PCB Fabrication

GC-PowerStation - Full CAM Package for PCB Fabrication

New Equipment | Software

Design For Manufacturability And Yield Enhancement. The Design for Manufacturability (DFM) engine searches for fabrication issues and discovers areas where yields may be increased. GraphiCode's Contour Technology produces fast and accurate results f


Electronics Forum: test point exposed copper (109)

BGA Pull test

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 08:41:56 EDT 2004 | Bob R.

When we first got into BGAs on ENIG we were getting joint cracking at in-circuit test. The joints were breaking in the Sn-Ni intermetallic. We did a lot of pull testing while working with our board suppliers and our conclusion was that pull testing

HASL lead free thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 10:03:29 EST 2010 | scottp

Instead of a minimum thickness, we require no exposed copper or SnCu intermetallic. We've been having a lot of trouble lately with suppliers of SN100 HASL boards giving us pads with very irregular solder deposits with areas of exposed intermetallic.

Used SMT Equipment: test point exposed copper (10)

ASC International ASC paste thickener 3D SPI-6500 thick paste inspector

ASC International ASC paste thickener 3D SPI-6500 thick paste inspector

Used SMT Equipment | SPI / Solder Paste Inspection

Product Details of 3D SPI-6500 Thick Paste Measurement Instrument Product Functions 1, friendly programming interface 2, a variety of measurement methods 3, scan spacing adjustable 4, image 3D simulation function 5, independent 3D dynamic obser

KingFei SMT Tech



Used SMT Equipment | In-Circuit Testers

JDSU HST-3000-DSLR JDSU HST3000 Handheld Tester Portable test set addressing the needs of Layer 1 thru Layer 7 testing with IPv6 Capability Handheld, modular platform for copper and multi-service testing Highlights     Support for Electric

Test Equipment Connection

Industry News: test point exposed copper (58)

New Service has PCB Cleaning Down to a Fine Art

Industry News | 2003-06-26 09:02:38.0

The surface quality of printed circuit boards and components directly impacts performance and product life.


SMTA Europe Announces 1st Session of Technical Program for Harsh Environments Conference

Industry News | 2018-04-09 19:48:04.0

SMTA Europe announces Session 1 Technical Program on Predicting Component Life at the “Electronics in Harsh Environments Conference” to be held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on April 25th, 2018.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Parts & Supplies: test point exposed copper (1)

Vitronics Industrial circuit boardrepair

Vitronics Industrial circuit boardrepair

Parts & Supplies | Repair/Rework

Repair parts include: CPU circuit board repair and maintenance of the I / O board, servo circuit board repair, the image processing circuit board repair, industrial CCD camera repair, frequency converter repair, PLC repair, touch screen repair, laser

Goodluck Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd

Technical Library: test point exposed copper (1)

Fabrication Of Solderable Intense Pulsed Light Sintered Hybrid Copper For Flexible Conductive Electrodes

Technical Library | 2021-11-03 17:05:39.0

Additively printed circuits provide advantages in reduced waste, rapid prototyping, and versatile flexible substrate choices relative to conventional circuit printing. Copper (Cu) based inks along with intense pulsed light (IPL) sintering can be used in additive circuit printing. However, IPL sintered Cu typically suffer from poor solderability due to high roughness and porosity. To address this, hybrid Cu ink which consists of Cu precursor/nanoparticle was formulated to seed Cu species and fill voids in the sintered structure. Nickel (Ni) electroplating was utilized to further improve surface solderability. Simulations were performed at various electroplating conditions and Cu cathode surface roughness using the multi-physics finite element method. By utilizing a mask during IPL sintering, conductivity was induced in exposed regions; this was utilized to achieve selective Ni-electroplating. Surface morphology and cross section analysis of the electrodes were observed through scanning electron microscopy and a 3D optical profilometer. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis was conducted to investigate changes in surface compositions. ASTM D3359 adhesion testing was performed to examine the adhesion between the electrode and substrate. Solder-electrode shear tests were investigated with a tensile tester to observe the shear strength between solder and electrodes. By utilizing Cu precursors and novel multifaceted approach of IPL sintering, a robust and solderable Ni electroplated conductive Cu printed electrode was achieved.

Hanyang University

Videos: test point exposed copper (4)

How to Use and Read Humidity Indicator Card Type 2 - Humitector™

How to Use and Read Humidity Indicator Card Type 2 - Humitector™


A Sustainable Alternative - Humitector cards are halogen-free and cobalt dichloride free. Visit

Clariant Cargo & Device Protection

PCB Footprint Expert

PCB Footprint Expert


The PCB Footprint Expert is a powerful CAD library development tool powered by our own proprietary CAD LEAP Technology (Libraries Enhanced with Automated Preferences). It is packed with very powerful advanced library management features that cuts foo

PCB Libraries, Inc.

Training Courses: test point exposed copper (2)

Design for Testability and for Built-in Self Test

Training Courses | | | PCB Design Courses

The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.

EECS at University of California

Design for Testability and for Built-in Self Test

Training Courses | | | PCB Design Courses

The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.

A.T.E. Solutions, Inc.

Events Calendar: test point exposed copper (1)

SMTA China East Conference 2018

Events Calendar | Mon Apr 23 00:00:00 EDT 2018 - Thu Apr 26 00:00:00 EDT 2018 | Shanghai, China

SMTA China East Conference 2018

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Career Center - Resumes: test point exposed copper (1)

12 Years experience in Equipment, Manufacturing and Technical Support.

Career Center | , | Engineering,Technical Support

COMPETENCIES & SKILLS : Proficient in SMT chip Mounters and IC/Flip chip Placers like Assembleon, Panasonic, Yamaha & etc. Experienced in handling Screen Printers like Minami, Dek, Panasonic and semi-automatic Printers. Expert in Camalot

Express Newsletter: test point exposed copper (892)

SMTnet Express - November 22, 2017

SMTnet Express, November 22, 2017, Subscribers: 31,034, Companies: 10,792, Users: 24,082 Factors Affecting the Adhesion of Thin Film Copper on Polyimide David Ciufo, Hsin-Yi Tsai and Michael J. Carmody; Intrinsiq Materials Inc. The use of copper

Partner Websites: test point exposed copper (197)

Wire Pull Test Equipment | Wire Pull Tester | Nordson DAGE

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions |

. A wire pull test can be performed manually or semi-automatically to a preprogrammed test routine. Copper wire testing requires a slightly different test methodology

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

PCB Automatic Test Equipment ATE Programming Software Overview | Unisoft


geometries, values, tolerances, etc. The netlist is a mandatory item for most Test Departments and repair technicians. ProntoTEST-FIXTURE creates the netlist by automatically tracking and connecting the copper traces from the gerber files to the correct components, pins and vias for each net

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