Industry Directory: testability (25)

A.T.E. Solutions, Inc.

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Manufacturer / Training Provider

The leading Test, ATE and Testability consulting and educational firm, offering various test related courses. Maintains the BestTest Directory, a test community knowledge base. Publishes The BestTest eNewsletter.

ASTER Technologies

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider

Founded in 1993, ASTER develops a wide range of products dealing with PCB Testability, Viewing and Quality Management.

New SMT Equipment: testability (21)

The Testability Director

The Testability Director

New Equipment |  

The Testability Director is a spreadsheet template, which guides in the development of testable designs. It contains the Inherent Testability Checklist used with MIL-STD-2165, the U.S. Government's Testability Program for Electronic Systems and Equip

A.T.E. Solutions, Inc.

Design for Testability (DFT)

New Equipment | Test Equipment

Engineering analysis of customer CAD data for ease of testability and mechanical access.  Analysis by Siemens PLX Testexpert software.  We offer this service free of charge to our regular customer and will provide test access reports iteratively to d


Electronics Forum: testability (41)

About testability of OSP board

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 23:13:14 EDT 2004 | Bryan She


About testability of OSP board

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 12:34:12 EDT 2004 | Bryan She

Hello all, these days I've met an OSP board testability issue. 1.OSP board 2.Solder paste:Kester R244 no clean paste 3.Print solder paste on test pad. Issue: There's brone(light yellow)flux residue on test pad,and the probe can't penetrate the residu

Industry News: testability (98)

SMTA Releases New Testability Guidelines

Industry News | 2003-03-11 08:34:08.0

The guidelines were developed to present information to comprehensively test and accurately diagnose the complex circuitry produced in modern electronics manufacturing.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

IPC Issues Call for Participation: Help Shape the Future of Design for Environment Standards

Industry News | 2022-08-26 08:58:41.0

IPC's Design for Excellence (DFX) guidelines document, IPC-2231 provides a framework to establish a design review process for the layout of printed board assemblies. This design review assesses the manufacturability attributes of printed boards, namely design for manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, testability, cost, reliability, environment, and reusability. IPC is aware of the responsibilities that electronics manufacturing companies will soon have to regulatory bodies around the world as well to the environment.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

Technical Library: testability (4)

Designing PCBs for Test and Inspection

Technical Library | 2012-12-14 14:17:56.0

This article provides practical and affordable Design-for- Test (DFT) and Design-for-Inspection (DFI) methods that will have a positive impact on product costs, yield, reliability, and time-to-market. The properties of testability (including controllability and observability) will be analysed as they relate to analogue and digital design rules and their cause/effect, as well as the electrical and physical characteristics of proper PCB design.


Design Guidelines For In-Circuit Testability

Technical Library | 2021-03-24 01:26:05.0

In-circuit test (ICT) has remained one of the most popular and cost-effective test methods for medium and high volume printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) for many years. This is due to its component-level fault diagnosis capability- and its speed.

JJS Manufacturing

Videos: testability (6)

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export setup files for ATE, flying probe ATE and design 'bed of nails' fixturing.

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export setup files for ATE, flying probe ATE and design 'bed of nails' fixturing.

Videos - In minutes the Unisoft ProntoTEST-FIXTURE software translates CAD & BOM files into real reference designators, netlists, X/Y component pin geometries, values, tolerances, part numbers, etc. This data is used by Test

UNISOFT Corporation

ALPHA® Preforms with solder paste adds solder volume.

ALPHA® Preforms with solder paste adds solder volume.


ALPHA® Preforms with solder paste adds solder volume.

MacDermid Alpha Electronics Solutions

Training Courses: testability (2)

Design for Testability and for Built-in Self Test

Training Courses | | | PCB Design Courses

The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.

EECS at University of California

Design for Testability and for Built-in Self Test

Training Courses | | | PCB Design Courses

The PCB design courses teach students the process, techniques and tools needed to design layout of printed circuit boards.

A.T.E. Solutions, Inc.

Career Center - Jobs: testability (7)

ASIC Designer

Career Center | Sunnyvale, California USA | Engineering,Research and Development

- We are seeking candidates at (BS, MS or PhD) levels in Electrical Engineering. - Strong familiarity with Processor / ASIC Architecture - 2-5 years of experience in ASIC Design, Synthesis & Simulation - Solid understanding of ASIC Design Flow - Kno

Solutions Point


Career Center | Addison,Texas, Texas USA | Engineering

NO SPONS,YES WILL RELO, KEY WORDS,GENRAD 228X,HP3070 TEST EQUIPMENT.PLEASE POST. Designing, developing and maintaining test procedures, tester hardware and software for electronic circuit board production. Reviewing circuit board design for testabili

Advanced Communication Solutions

Career Center - Resumes: testability (2)

Glenn Brown for 3070 ICT Development

Career Center | Appleton, Wisconsin USA | Engineering,Production,Research and Development,Technical Support

I have more than 25 years of experience in electronics manufacturing and printed circuit board (PCB) structural test. My forte is in-circuit test (ICT) program and fixture development and debug on the HP/Agilent 3070. I have more than 16 years of 3

Manufacturing engineer & SMT process engineer

Career Center | Riyadh 11623, Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Connected in the field of manufacturing/electronics industry experienced in the line, Through Hole and Surface Mount Technology, worked on various Fuji Machines Universal model, such as: CP 643E chip shooter QP 242E chip mou

Express Newsletter: testability (47)

Partner Websites: testability (8)

testability searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.