Electronics Forum: toe down (38)

Toe down configuration

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 06 09:27:49 EDT 2011 | rdouglass

Has anyone come across any good visuals for the solderability requirements for component leads with toe-down configuration? IPC-A-610 does not have any visual aids for this category and our inspectors are having a difficult time assessing based sole

Toe down configuration

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 11 15:30:52 EDT 2011 | dmiller

Take a picture of one that just barely meets specs. Take a photo of this, either under a scope or with one of those USB scopes. Then use the photo for whatever instructions you provide to the operators.

Express Newsletter: toe down (144)

Partner Websites: toe down (64)


Heller 公司 | https://hellerindustries.com.cn/browse/page/291/

, 0.35 THK Inside 429696-01---RAIL ASSY, 1913 CUT DOWN, EXTENSION, STEEL TOE 429696-02---RAIL ASSY, 1913 CUT DOWN, EXTENSION, STEEL TOE 429710-01---RAIL ASSY, 1913 CUT DOWN, ENT, STEEL TOE 429710-02

Heller 公司

Solder Joint Goals - Take II - PCB Libraries Forum

PCB Libraries, Inc. | https://www.pcblibraries.com/forum/topic2813&OB=ASC.html

" (any misrepresentation due to improper snipping is unintentional): Tom H wrote: All Chip components have a 0.35 mm Toe with 0.00 mm Side and Heel regardless if they are a 0201 or 1206

PCB Libraries, Inc.

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