Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 01 22:56:39 EDT 2009 | davef
Reflow soldering de-ages the capacitors. Two things may be affecting your testing. * Capacitance measurements are often erratic during testing for about 10 hours after de-aging. * Test limits should be set so that the capacitance value is within the
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 18 09:51:53 EDT 2013 | rway
If they're 1 1/2 years old, they are definitely aged parts. Either send them back for newer or widen your tolerances on the ICT to compensate. You are at the 3rd decade now (10,000 hours) and you will need to compensate for this. These parts are n
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 28 09:18:30 EDT 1998 | Ben Wilmot
The majority of SMT resistors use the following notation. 10 X eg 153 represents 1k5 resistor The third digit in the sequence denotes the number of zeros to add after the first two digits giving the value in ohms. Many Caps will follow the same nota
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 11:20:31 EDT 2007 | jdengler
Do all 0201's reject at the same rate? If even 1 P/N has a lower reject rate this can point towards a feeder problem. I have had a similar problem on a CP-IV-2 with 0402's that was caused by feeders. If all reject at the same rate it can be the PD o
Electronics Forum | Fri May 29 15:03:46 EDT 2009 | rway
We have recently begun using X5R dielectric capacitors. Although they have a better temperature coefficient over Y5V, they age much faster (5-7% logarithmically per decade). I assume the reason for using the X5R was the availability of the capacita
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 09:41:05 EDT 2016 | jbuckley
Typically on my company's Mirtec systems, any anomalies, such as cracks, chips, etc. on chip capacitors and chip resistors are going to be detected with just a basic mounting inspector. We have a full image of the part (solder joint not included) as
Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 29 02:58:18 EDT 2012 | ericrr
I tried to look for "H890" on Internet and went nuts, (Thanks to Google) I would think H890 is part of a diode manufacturer part number. Have you tested it for a diode function? or maybe you have this is why you want a replacement. Tantalum capacito
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 25 07:43:24 EDT 2016 | claudea2
We have been having a recurring error on one of our Quad 4Cs. When it picks up the first of 8 47uF SMT capacitor it stops with a limit error. If we do 2 consecutive function 30s, the problem goes away until the next board. The first function 30 re
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 17:01:30 EDT 1999 | Brian
| | Do any SMTneters out there have a good solution to substitute SMT parts that you are willing to share? I presume all of us have the issue where purchasing wants to buy "the same part" from a different vendor. While the part may be the same electr
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 27 16:54:46 EDT 2006 | pjc
In-Circuit test, or ICT, is the most common method of electrical test for an assembled PCB. It is the most comprehensive and accurate method to ensure that both the PWB and components are working to specification. Not all components however can be el