New SMT Equipment: universal and instruments and genesis and gx-11d (1)

Genesis SMT Pick and Place Series

Genesis SMT Pick and Place Series

New Equipment | Pick & Place

The ideal solution for any market. Genesis features a powerful combination of speed and flexibility to blur the boundaries between high-speed and flexible fine pitch placement. Outstanding price performance combines with traditional Universal uptime

Universal Instruments Corporation

Electronics Forum: universal and instruments and genesis and gx-11d (1)

Pick and Place Machine Validation

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 16 22:45:29 EST 2005 | MG Cyr

Thanks for the positive feedback. In addition our standard manufacturing validation, all of our Platform SM products (GSM, Advantis, Genesis etc.)include "on-board" CPK validation and "self calibration". In addition we do have a global relationship w

Used SMT Equipment: universal and instruments and genesis and gx-11d (6)

Universal Instruments Genesis Pick and Place

Universal Instruments Genesis Pick and Place

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Universal Genesis Pick and Place System w/PTF AUCTION ITEM:   Also available: Universal HSP 4797 Chipshooter Electrovert AquaJet Batch Cleaner Universal GSM2 Pick and Place System Fuji QP 351 Flexible Placement Syste

X-Line Asset Management

Universal Instruments 8mm and 12mm feeder

Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

Hello Sir, We have 8mm and 12mm electronic feeder for Universal Genesis machine. Please let us know if you need. Thanks& Regards, Henry

Shenzhen Yong Ping Electronic Limited Company

Industry News: universal and instruments and genesis and gx-11d (3)

Valor and Universal Streamline Shop-Floor and Enterprise-Level Dialogue

Industry News | 2003-06-13 10:23:02.0

Universal Instruments and Valor Computerized Systems have announced an agreement to interface Valor software products with Universal's manufacturing systems

Universal Instruments Corporation

Universal’s APL Attends Regional and National Technology Events

Industry News | 2010-11-04 14:21:08.0

Universal Instruments' Advanced Process Laboratory (APL) highlighted its Failure Analysis and Prototyping capabilities at recent regional SMTA shows, including the LI Chapter on October 13 and the Empire Chapter on October 19.

Universal Instruments Corporation

Parts & Supplies: universal and instruments and genesis and gx-11d (6)

Universal Instruments 8mm and 12mm feeder for Genesi

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Hello Sir, We have 8mm and 12mm electronic feeder for Universal Genesis machine. Please let us know if you need. Thanks& Regards, Henry

Shenzhen Yong Ping Electronic Limited Company

Universal Instruments 8mm and 12mm feeder for Genesi

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Hello Sir, We have 8mm and 12mm electronic feeder for Universal Genesis machine. Please let us know if you need. Thanks& Regards, Henry

Shenzhen Yong Ping Electronic Limited Company

Videos: universal and instruments and genesis and gx-11d (1)

0:03 / 0:18 Universal Genesis GI-07S Pick and Place Vintage 2012

0:03 / 0:18 Universal Genesis GI-07S Pick and Place Vintage 2012


Make: Universal Model: Genesis GI-07S – 4992C (With PTF) Vintage: 2012 SW: UPS+ Details: • Linear X/Y • 7 spindle head • Nozzle changer • Magellan 2.3 camera • PTF mounted on rear Visit www.lewis-clark.c

Lewis & Clark

Express Newsletter: universal and instruments and genesis and gx-11d (548)

Partner Websites: universal and instruments and genesis and gx-11d (38)

2010 Universal GSM GX-11S SMT Pick & Place - Pre-owned For Sale - Baja Bid LLC

Baja Bid |

& Place 2010 Universal GSM GX-11S SMT Pick & Place Category: Pick And Place Tags: Genesis GSM GX-11S pick-and-place Universal Instruments Description Reviews (0

Baja Bid

universal and instruments and genesis and gx-11d searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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