Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 20 20:22:23 EST 2014 | bkendall421
Universal Instruments AC30L. Rated at over 30k CPH but dependent on mix you will realize between 18k and 24k CPH REAL speeds. Very flexible with feeder cart swapping. Wide component mix. American made and the best support of any p&p company. Sounds
Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Equipment
Dear All, we have an urgent request for GSM//AC72 feeders. MUST BE compatible between GSM and AC72 machines. MUST be 100% checked and working. KVMS cannot check these feeders so they MUST BE OK!!! Models wanted are: 24x12MM Deep pocket 2x / 24x16MM D
Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders
Two Universal GSM Platform Tray Feeders Both off Universal Advantis Both have the Arms
Industry News | 2009-12-14 21:32:34.0
Vicor, a leader in the development, manufacture and sale of power conversion components and systems since 1981, has purchased Universal Instruments’ Genesis Platform based on its unique ability to adapt to a wide range of process requirements. The new equipment will be used for Vicor’s leading-edge VI Chip line of power conversion products, from low-volume/high-mix, to high-volume, as well as a specialized post-SMT assembly process requiring unique tooling and software solutions. Universal’s ability to provide a complete turn-key solution, rather than the hardware alone, differentiated Genesis from the alternative providers.
Industry News | 2016-02-18 08:25:15.0
EEI Manufacturing Services announced September 29th 2015 that the Department of the Navy has approved a 33-month $2.24 million Mentor-Protégé agreement between Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems (SAS) and EEI Manufacturing Services.
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
47995077 FJ 160F nozzle for universal placement machine 45466916 Global FH 125F Nozzle GSM NOZZLE 45466933 Universal FH 120F UNIVERSAL NOZZLE 47561101 Universal FJ 10MPF nozzle UNIVERSAL NOZZLE 47561102 Universal FJ 125F nozzle UNIVERSAL NOZZLE
Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders
47561101 FJ 10MPF nozzle for universal placement machine Model: Global GSM placement machine Specification: FJ 10MPF nozzle Part number: 47561101 Part Number (OEM) Description 48503416 GSM FLEXJET 125F COMPLIANT TIP NOZZLE 48503417 GSM FLEX
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