Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 02 10:41:41 EDT 2004 | dj_jago
Other way around Dave. We decided that the Delta had more in common with the Electra rather than the Vectra, the Electra being much more expensive. For example, we wanted 3 preheat zones for lead free and this would mean an exernal fluxer unit if
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 09 14:51:04 EDT 2018 | justconmac
UPDATE The reason for the board count in the wave when there are no boards is due to operators leaving racks with empty PCB slots. The input feed sensor is a little bit more in the center of the conveyor whereas the output feed is a slightly closer t
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 20 04:28:31 EDT 2005 | Rob
Pyramax 150 is a low cost newer version of the Paragon 150, the Paragon is a newer version of the VIP. The VIP is great for lead free (as confirmed to us by BTU, who told us it was pointless upgrading that particular oven to a Pyramax). You may nee
Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 09:19:02 EDT 2019 | davef
http://www.nordsonselect.com. Accel: Cookson created Speedline after purchasing: MPM®, Electrovert®, Accel®, and Camalot®. In 2003, KPS Special Situations Fund II purchased Speedline from Cookson. In, 2007, Illinois Tool Works ITW acquired Speedlin
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 13 22:57:19 EST 2006 | John
The New Redesigned Vectra , should fit right into the same price range as most mid-range wavesolder machines offer by most. We are looking to replace a existing Delta Wave and found the pricing about the same.But The upgrade prices can be high for no