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Water after PCB batch wash

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 13 20:24:46 EDT 2023 | emeto

Ionized air gun

Water after PCB batch wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 28 16:25:20 EDT 2023 | SMTA-72837649

I've been looking for information on how, if at all, any of you treat water after a pcb batch wash. In particular, we have a Trident LD machine, using Zestron cleaning chemical. We have a carbon tank and two mixed bed media tanks as well as two 5 mic

Water after PCB batch wash

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 02 12:31:29 EDT 2023 | carl_p

Filter & match a PH level their happy with & release? I would push them to put something in email or letter for what they require though, otherwise it could come back & cost you

Re: white residue after wash

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 03 08:22:36 EST 1998 | Scott Cook

| At this moment in time we are using water soluble solder paste on our PCBs these are cleaned using water only, agitated with ultrasonics. After drying a white/grey residue is left around solder joints. Reflow profile is fine and a reliable wash pro

second side reflow of MSD parts after wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 25 09:27:08 EDT 2010 | stepheniii

Thanks I guess I got used to google where the "and" is implied. I searched various combinations and all I could find were threads regarding the pcb's not the components. Does anyone bake their boards after wash before second reflow because of MSD c

PCB bake

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 17 20:33:05 EST 2002 | ianchan

Hi, Can anyone help explain the benefits/disadvantages of bareboard pcb baking, as part of the pre-heat conditioning, before the bareboard pcb use in SMT production run? The pcb board is 200mm x 240mm panelized pcb board, and has 28 smaller pcb boa

PCB bake

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 04:45:32 EST 2002 | wbu

Ianchan, baking as being part of pre-heating is obviously sensless cause the PCB will not maintain any of that heat till soldering. Common reason for prebaking PCB�s is getting the moisture out to prevent outgassing, warpage and maybe other defects.

BGA bake out....

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 09:15:21 EDT 2004 | jdumont

Morning all, we have been seeing some problems with the edges of some of our BGA's curling away from the PCB after reflow. Is this possibly a moisture problem? If so what would be a good time/temp to bake them at to rectify the problem? Thanks in

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 10 22:47:17 EDT 2009 | davef

You're correct that JEDEC J-STD-033 defines baking condidtions for moisture sensitive components. Why do you want to bake assemblies after cleaning? Search the fine SMTnet Archives for threads like: http://www.smtnet.com/forums/Index.cfm?CFApp=1&Me

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 24 05:08:37 EDT 2009 | Mark

Try immersing the assembly in IPA for 30 minutes. IPA is hydroscopic ans will drive off most of the water. Dry the assembly. Then bake at 110°C for 2 hours.

wash pcb after bake searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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