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Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 09 18:44:20 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

We are using a water soluble flux which requires the assemblies to be cleaned in an ultra sonic cleaner after assembly. Is there a standard that specifies how long the assemblies need to be baked/dried after being submersed in a water solution for a

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 30 13:20:10 EDT 2009 | charliedci

He wants to "see underwater"

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 00:28:43 EDT 2009 | Mark

IPA is hydroscopic.

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 11 10:02:36 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

Our cleaning process involves the assemblies being completely immersed in the water bath of the ultrasonic cleaner. The assembly has a QFP44 on it. Customer stated that when these assemblies have been cleaned with water in the past (at a different

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 20:01:54 EDT 2009 | davef

Shanelo Technologies Given that isopropyl alcohol [IPA] is produced by combining water and propene. How does soaking a board in water and a flammable liquid drive off water?

Baking assemblies after ultrasonic water wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 01 05:26:31 EDT 2009 | kpm135

But the boards and parts on the boards are also hygroscopic(no not a typo I did a search on hydroscopic and it is not a word the actual word is hygroscopic look it up if you don't believe me) so if you have two hygroscopic materials which one wins?

caps have yellow stain after wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 10:38:41 EDT 2016 | laynefelix

Hi everyone..i am new here. I am hardware design engineer and as per my experience PCBAs came out cold soldered after being reflowed the first time with ALPHA WS-820. The flux gel ALPHA WS 609 was supposed to be applied only onto the terminations of

Re: Wash and bake of blank PCB's before assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 17:21:07 EST 1998 | Justin Medernach

| I would appreciate any information concerning the wash and bake of blank Printed Circuit Boards | before assembly. | + Is it necessary to wash and bake PCB�s before assembly? | + If any, what is the reason for wash and bake of PCB�s? | + If any, wh

second side reflow of MSD parts after wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 24 16:54:38 EDT 2010 | stepheniii

J-STD-033B.1 Says "For cavity packages in which water may be entrpped, water clean processes after first reflow can be an additional source of moisture. This may present an additional risk, which should be evaluated." And it talks about derating if

PCB with stains bleach after flux aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Thu May 19 03:39:04 EDT 2016 | jpcwg

Design application software in resistance welding layer options to carry on the design, can put the resistance welding options this functionality, born PCB board factory to actual production of PCB design are window. we are professional PCB manufac

wash pcb after bake searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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