Industry Directory: washing no clean (11)

UM Technology Co., Ltd.

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider / Distributor / Manufacturer

UM Tech provides solutions for the electronics manufacturing industry from materials sourcing, SMT fixture production, OEM parts/PCB/PCBA cleaning, wash equipment manufacturing and cleanliness testing

Shenzhen Sam Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

SAM is a professional SMT Clean machine manufacturer,which dedicated to R&D Manufacturing and sale Stencil Clean machine,PCB/PCBA Cleaning machine,Wave solder pallets washing machine,SMT Squeegee cleaner,PCB Separator,SMD Counter

New SMT Equipment: washing no clean (82)

BMP-1000X Automatic SMT Stencil Cleaning Machine

BMP-1000X Automatic SMT Stencil Cleaning Machine

New Equipment | Cleaning Equipment

BMP-1000X Automatic SMT Stencil Cleaning Machine BMP-1000X Feature ▶The cleaning tank, the original tank, and the spray tank are designed with a liquid level sensor overflow alarm. ▶The opening of the front door is designed with photoelectric s

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Fully automatic online PCBA cleaning machine-SMS-6300

Fully automatic online PCBA cleaning machine-SMS-6300

New Equipment | Cleaning Equipment

Fully automatic online PCBA cleaning machine-SMS-6300 Fully automatic online PCBA cleaning machine-SMS-6300 1. On-line, large-volume PCBA cleaning system. 2. Large-flow cleaning method can effectively remove organic and inorganic pollutants such as

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Electronics Forum: washing no clean (915)

I need some clarification on washing boards that are no clean

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 08:36:51 EDT 2010 | rgduval

Michelle, Our experience with no-clean solder pastes has been that water washing a mis-print is a bad idea. We've found that DI water does not do a sufficient job removing the no-clean paste (the same goes for stencils). Instead, we have washed no

I need some clarification on washing boards that are no clean

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 07:50:18 EDT 2010 | babe7362000

I just need a clarification on NC254 No clean solder paste. If we have parts on the bottom side of the board that already are soldered and we go to run the other side of the board and it was misprinted, is it ok to run thru the washer? I just need

Used SMT Equipment: washing no clean (43)

Technical Devices Nu/Clean Galaxy In-Line Wash

Technical Devices Nu/Clean Galaxy In-Line Wash

Used SMT Equipment | Board Cleaners

Factory refurbished in 2010 and never put into production. Still on factory skid. New 2007.18" top and bottom mesh belt, 3 HP wash, anti-dragout air knife, recirculating & heated rinse with cascade flow to wash tank, final rinse, 7.5 HP drying

Lewis & Clark

Technical Devices Nu/Clean Aqua Batch Jr. and DI Elite

Technical Devices Nu/Clean Aqua Batch Jr. and DI Elite

Used SMT Equipment | Board Cleaners

• This is a closed-loop DI/washer system • Our cleaning process was 100% DI wash. No chemicals were ever introduced to the machines or process. • Replaced the treatment tanks and performed the PM’s on or before the recommended intervals. The system

Lewis & Clark

Industry News: washing no clean (182)

Cleaners Use Environmentally Safe Solvents

Industry News | 2003-04-01 08:40:24.0

Using environmentally safe solvents these machines offer two-stage, multiple-frequency ultrasonic cleaning, rinsing and drying for pcb defluxing, cleaning of precision parts and metal degreasing.


PCB Cleaner Removes Residues on the Road

Industry News | 2003-04-30 08:51:08.0

Electrolube played the role of environmental champion in Australia recently.


Parts & Supplies: washing no clean (8)

Yamaha Assembleon Machine SMT Spare Parts K48-M3856-00X Environment Friendly

Yamaha Assembleon Machine SMT Spare Parts K48-M3856-00X Environment Friendly

Parts & Supplies | Assembly Accessories

Detailed Product Description Part Name: NSL Grease Part Number: K48-M3856-00X Yellow: Purple Weight: 80g Machine: Yamaha Environment: Clean Caution: NSL Grease * Inflammation Can occur if grease enters eyes. * When Handling this grease, wear

KingFei SMT Tech

Yamaha Yamaha K48-M3856-00X Assembleon Machine Environment

Yamaha Yamaha K48-M3856-00X Assembleon Machine Environment

Parts & Supplies | SMT Equipment

Yamaha K48-M3856-00X Assembleon Machine Environment Caution: NSL Grease * Inflammation Can occur if grease enters eyes. * When Handling this grease, wear protective glasses or take other measures to prevent eye contact. * Inflammation can occur

KingFei SMT Tech

Technical Library: washing no clean (3)

Cleanliness of Stencils and Cleaned Misprinted Circuit Boards

Technical Library | 2010-09-09 16:44:48.0

The effectiveness of cleaning stencils and misprinted/dirty printed circuit boards can be effectively monitored. This can be done by washing known clean circuit boards and then checking to see if they have stayed clean as a result of the washing process.

Research In Motion

Water Soluble Solder Paste, Wet Behind the Ears or Wave of the Future

Technical Library | 2017-03-22 20:58:08.0

Water soluble lead-free solder paste is widely used in today’s SMT processes, but the industry is slowly moving away from water soluble solder pastes in favor of no-clean solder pastes. This shift in usage of solder paste is driven by an effort to eliminate the water wash process. Some components cannot tolerate water wash and elimination of water washing streamlines the SMT process. Despite this shift, certain applications lend themselves to the use of water soluble solder paste.This paper details the research and development of a new water soluble lead-free solder paste which improves on the performance characteristics of existing technologies.


Videos: washing no clean (24)

Electrovert Soldering and Cleaning Equipment

Electrovert Soldering and Cleaning Equipment


Aqaustorm Free Standing Module solution The Aquastorm FSM is a free standing additional wash section that can be added to any exisiting in-line cleaning process.  The Aquastorm FSM is designed to add complete process flexibility.  Availabl


Electrovert Cleaning

Electrovert Cleaning


The Aquastorm 200 Stainless Steel cleaning system with dual wash, dual chemical isolation and Torrid Zone dryer provides complete cleaning performance with fast throughput capability and optimal process flexibility. The Electrovert Aquastorm is a ve


Events Calendar: washing no clean (2)

Webinar: Stencil Design for Solder Paste, In Process Inspection & Process Defects

Events Calendar | Mon Mar 18 00:00:00 EDT 2019 - Mon Mar 18 00:00:00 EDT 2019 | ,

Webinar: Stencil Design for Solder Paste, In Process Inspection & Process Defects

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Is My Printed Circuit Board Wash Concentration in Check?

Events Calendar | Thu Sep 10 00:00:00 EDT 2020 - Fri Sep 11 00:00:00 EDT 2020 | ,

Is My Printed Circuit Board Wash Concentration in Check?

KYZEN Corporation

Career Center - Jobs: washing no clean (2)

SMT (Pick-n-Place) Machine Operator

Career Center | Acacia Ridge, Brisbane, Queensland Australia | Production

Experienced Pick�n-Place (SMT) Machine operator required by EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services) company. Must have the following skills/experience: � Good knowledge of SMT electronic components essential � Experience of programming, set-up & op

Surtek Pty Ltd

Project Manager

Career Center | Barcelona, Spain | Management,Sales/Marketing

Are you interested to work for a successful global company operating in 35 countries? Would you like to learn more about innovative cleaning technologies, which are used in electronic assembly? We belong to TOP 3 companies in our industry worldwide

DCT Cleaning

Career Center - Resumes: washing no clean (4)

Manufacturing engineer & SMT process engineer

Career Center | Riyadh 11623, Philippines | Engineering,Maintenance,Production

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Connected in the field of manufacturing/electronics industry experienced in the line, Through Hole and Surface Mount Technology, worked on various Fuji Machines Universal model, such as: CP 643E chip shooter QP 242E chip mou

Process Engineering/Maintenance Technician

Career Center | Fredericksburg, Virginia USA | Engineering,Maintenance,Management,Production,Quality Control

• Certified CP643 Loader Calibration – FUJI American Chicago, IL 2001. • Certified - Cookson Performance Solutions BTU - PARAGON - P150 Oven – Maintenance & Electrical Troubleshooting Charlotte, NC 2001. • Certified UNIVERSAL (GSM) Platform: Operat

Express Newsletter: washing no clean (741)

Partner Websites: washing no clean (1154)

KingFei SMT Production Line Automatic No Clean Lead Free Solder Paste Heater

KingFei SMT Tech |

KingFei SMT Production Line Automatic No Clean Lead Free Solder Paste Heater Leave a Message We will call you back soon! Your message must be between 20-3,000 characters

KingFei SMT Tech

JM-20 Sn63/Pb40 – 1.6 mm No Clean Leaded Flux Cored Solder Wire


JM-20 Sn63/Pb40 – 1.6 mm No Clean Leaded Flux Cored Solder Wire Login Create Account Contact View My Cart Menu × Categories Hand Soldering

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