Electronics Forum: what and is and cob and test (6)

what is the different between ENIG and Immersion Au

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 12 10:05:13 EST 2006 | davef

There's a lots comparisons like this on the web. Here's one: Westwood Associates said on 8/12/2003: ||HASL||OSP||ENIG||Pd||Tin||Silver Flat||no||yes||yes||yes||yes||yes Solderjoint||Cu-Sn||Cu-Sn||Ni-Sn||Ni-Sn||Cu-Sn||Cu-Sn Contact||E-test, ICT||no|

COB and Plating

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 07 12:35:10 EDT 2008 | andy_pal

Hi All, I am using COB on my DOUBLE SIDED PCB. lastly we used Eletrolytic Ni / Flash Gold Plating. Our Boards vias Failed the UL corrosion Test. we did some cross-section analysis and found 10.75 �m of Nickel and 0.022 um of Gold and as the Process

Industry News: what and is and cob and test (2)

North American PCB Industry Growth Continues and Outlook is Positive

Industry News | 2019-11-27 12:15:34.0

IPC — Association Connecting Electronics Industries® announced today the October 2019 findings from its North American Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Statistical Program. Sales and orders in October continued to outpace last year. The book-to-bill ratio rose to 1.11.

Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC)

What is a vacuum reflow oven ? What is the difference between vacuum reflow welding and vacuum reflow welding?

Industry News | 2019-12-16 22:35:33.0

Vacuum reflow oven is to conduct high-quality welding for products in a vacuum environment to protect products and solder from being oxidized under the condition of vacuum, and to react the oxide of products and solder surface at the same time to improve the quality of welding surface and reduce the void rate of welding.

Beijing Technology Company

Technical Library: what and is and cob and test (2)

What is an analog signature analyzer and how does it work?

Technical Library | 2020-11-19 20:35:26.0

Simultaneously with the first complex electronic circuits, the task of creating effective means of diagnosing and repairing them appeared. In previous decades, specialized programmable stands were used for diagnostics of serial electronic products, as well as various testers and probes for troubleshooting during their operation. But the dramatic increase in the density / cost factor, in parallel with the very rapid modification of electronic products, made programmable stands economically ineffective even in mass production. The use of traditional laboratory equipment (oscilloscopes, multimeters, etc.) requires power supply to the defective modules, which is often impossible and unsafe, since it can lead to failure of the working modules of the module. In addition, the use of this equipment requires documentation and highly qualified personnel. More automated and sophisticated signature analysis systems came to the rescue in solving this problem. A feature of these devices is that they allow you to test digital and analog assemblies without dismantling components and without supplying voltage.

Engineering Physics Center of MSU

How Clean is Clean Enough – At What Level Does Each of The Individual Contaminates Cause Leakage and Corrosion Failures in SIR?

Technical Library | 2016-09-08 16:27:49.0

In this investigation a test matrix was completed utilizing 900 electrodes (small circuit board with parallel copper traces on FR-4 with LPI soldermask at 6, 10 and 50 mil spacing): 12 ionic contaminants were applied in five concentrations to three different spaced electrodes with five replicas each (three different bare copper trace spacing / five replications of each with five levels of ionic concentration). The investigation was to assess the electrical response under controlled heat and humidity conditions of the known applied contamination to electrodes, using the IPC SIR (surface insulation resistance) J-STD 001 limits and determine at what level of contamination and spacing the ionic / organic residue has a failing effect on SIR.

Foresite Inc.

Express Newsletter: what and is and cob and test (924)

Partner Websites: what and is and cob and test (3548)

BTC/QFN Test Board Design Considerations and Method for Qualifying Soldering Materials and Cleaning

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) | https://www.smta.org/knowledge/proceedings_abstract.cfm?PROC_ID=4798

. Many of the industry standard test vehicles are dated and not representative of current electrical and electronic assemblies. The purpose of this research is to use a non-standard test board with sensors placed at the bottom termination to study cleanliness and contamination effects under QFN components

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

What is the PCB Assembly Process?

Imagineering, Inc. | https://www.pcbnet.com/blog/what-is-the-pcb-assembly-process/

Close Search What is the PCB Assembly Process? By Behind the Work October 7, 2021 June 22nd, 2023 Blog , Industry News No Comments In an age of smart devices and hyperconnectivity, nearly everything we use contains a printed circuit board

Imagineering, Inc.

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