Electronics Forum: what is ionox fcr (3)

Re: Cleaning No-Clean

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 15 13:55:43 EDT 1998 | Steve A

Dave, The first step would be to learn to accept the residue. IPC class 2 has no problem with it. If that is not possible, I am not sure why a no clean is necessary- but I will take your work for it. Alcohols will dry out the residue, and turn it

Re: Cleaning No-Clean

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 15 16:39:07 EDT 1998 | Dave F

Steve: I thought Kyzen products were "additives" to either aqueous or semiaqueous inline or batch machine cleaning processes. I'm trying to clean the no-clean residue from a few components that can not bear to see water. Can you use Kyzen products

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