Industry Directory: wrong parts loaded mydata (2)

Count On Tools, Inc.

Count On Tools, Inc.

Industry Directory | Manufacturer

COT specializes in high quality SMT nozzles and consumables for pick and place machines. We provide special engineering design service of custom nozzles for those unique and odd components.


Industry Directory | Manufacturer

Rommtech-3S is your partner for reliable and cost effective contract manufacturing!have more than 15 years experience in the production of electronic and electromechanical devices � security products, radiators; cash registers manufacturing; igniters

New SMT Equipment: wrong parts loaded mydata (6)

P.M.D. Process Monitor Device - Repair problem feeders/nozzles before defects occur

P.M.D. Process Monitor Device - Repair problem feeders/nozzles before defects occur

New Equipment | Pick & Place

Eliminate Human Error During the Changeover and Assembly Process. The Process Monitor Device (P.M.D.) is designed to eliminate human error during the change over and assembly process. The system will monitor all part errors. On the operator screen,

SMT Research Inc.



New Equipment | Component Programming

DP1000-G2 is an automated programming system that is extra lightweight and compact compared to DP3000, as the size is 50% smaller! With the ProgMaster Universal Programmer embedded in DP1000-G2 and different input/output peripherals, the system can


Electronics Forum: wrong parts loaded mydata (146)

Preventing improper parts being loaded

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 30 17:47:57 EDT 2020 | rsatmech

Manual method is always risky. Evening with all sorts of scanning people are loading it wrongly. Below are the recommendations I have. (Kindly comment if anything don't seems to be a solution) 1) peer to peer check - once loaded check the value usin

Preventing improper parts being loaded

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 12:05:34 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice

There is a fairly recent one. And all the conculsions need things you don't have. Buddy loading - so one person loading one verifying everything. Barcodes - gets rid of people misreading labels mixing up 4k7 with 47K or nbot seeing a decimal point o

Used SMT Equipment: wrong parts loaded mydata (1)

Tyco SEP 3T

Tyco SEP 3T

Used SMT Equipment | General Purpose Equipment

Year 2008 - Like New Condition Tyco SEP 3T Shuttle Electric Press Standalone electric press for the application of PCBs onto compliant pin housings or connectors • Servo electric press with shuttle system for product location under press ram • Ho

1st Place Machinery Inc.

Industry News: wrong parts loaded mydata (18)

Count On Tools Launches MYDATA ezTOOL for Midas Tool Tip Replacement

Industry News | 2013-05-20 10:53:42.0

Count On Tools Inc., announces the availability of its new MYDATA ezTOOL, an assembly/disassembly fixture for MYDATA Midas Tool Tips.

Count On Tools, Inc.

Count On Tools, Inc. Sees Great Interest in MYDATA Feeder Repair Kits at APEX

Industry News | 2016-03-31 18:35:14.0

Count On Tools, Inc. (COT), a leading provider of precision components and SMT spare parts, received great customer feedback at the recent IPC APEX EXPO. The company exhibited its new refreshed look for the first time and received many quality leads from prospective customers with special interest in the MYDATA Feeder Repair Kits. COT also used the show as a platform to launch the QWIKTRAY program to the U.S. market and celebrate the company’s 25-year anniversary.

Count On Tools, Inc.

Parts & Supplies: wrong parts loaded mydata (3)

Fuji High Speed Surface Mount Placement Machine Fuji Scalable Placement Platform NXT Ⅲ

Fuji High Speed Surface Mount Placement Machine Fuji Scalable Placement Platform NXT Ⅲ

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

Brand: FUJI Name: FUJI Scalble Placement Platform NXT Iii Module Width: 320mm Placing Accuracy: +/-0.038 (+/-0.050) Mm (3σ) Cpk≥1.00* Lntelligent Feeders: Support For 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 44, 56, 72, 88, And 104 Mm Wide Tape Part Size: 04

KingFei SMT Tech

Fuji Fuji Scalable Placement Platform NXT Ⅲ

Fuji Fuji Scalable Placement Platform NXT Ⅲ

Parts & Supplies | Pick and Place/Feeders

1. Special feature 1.1  Improved productivity:A faster XY robot and faster tape feeders, as well as a newly developed "flying vision" parts camera,mean increased placing ability for all part sizes and types. The new H24G high-speed head achieves 37

KingFei SMT Tech

Videos: wrong parts loaded mydata (4)

Aull Automatic Inline V-Cut PCB Depaneler

Aull Automatic Inline V-Cut PCB Depaneler


Full Automatic V-cut PCB Depaneler Introduction: This equipment can further improve the quality of depaneling. It can realize V-groove XY two-way automatic cutting, cutting aluminum & FR4 boards without burr, can connect the assembly line to realize

Winsmart Electronic Co.,Ltd

Pick and Place Machine

Pick and Place Machine


FUJI M6 III High Speed Pick and Place Machine If you could not find any similar items you want, you may send some photos to us. because our catalog and website haven't included allof our products. Pick and place machine, SMT pick and place ma

Dongguan Intercontinental Technology Co., Ltd.

Career Center - Jobs: wrong parts loaded mydata (1)

SMT Operator , SMT Set-up

Career Center | Fremont, California USA | Production

SMT Operator Duties include machine set up and load, parts value verification, screen printing, hand loading, reflowing. Operator is responsible for aligning and hand placing parts on boards and working the reflow oven. Performs basic machine set up

Adecco Staffing Sevices Inc.

Career Center - Resumes: wrong parts loaded mydata (5)

Detail Oriented

Career Center | north augusta, South Carolina USA | Production,Quality Control

Detail oriented!

Self motivated SMT operator

Career Center | north augusta, South Carolina USA | Production,Quality Control

I am a skilled smt operator that pays close attention to detail! With my experience in the electronic field for the passed 10 years proving to be an asset to all companies that i have worked for in providing quality work and ensuring on time delivery

Express Newsletter: wrong parts loaded mydata (806)

Partner Websites: wrong parts loaded mydata (40)

Library - Assembly or Parts Cost by Part Number Report | Unisoft Manufacturing Software | Unisoft


Library - Assembly or Parts Cost by Part Number Report | Unisoft Manufacturing Software | Unisoft ≡ Menu Skip navigation For over 35 years, Intelligent PCB Manufacturing Automation Software Be production ready in minutes, not days

PCB Libraries Forum : Disabling Model Body Outline

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

.d file output for the "Pulsonix" output, and I loaded in to DipTrace okay.*PADS-LIBRARY-PCB-DECALS-V2007*TRIAL2 M 0 0 2 2 3 0 5 1TIMESTAMP 2013."Geometry.Height

PCB Libraries, Inc.

wrong parts loaded mydata searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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SMT Machines

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pressure curing ovens

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