Electronics Forum: ws-715m (3)

Soldering Iron Questions

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 03 11:06:13 EST 2006 | rgduval

The process that burnt the tips up yesterday was hand soldering/touch up of lead-free assemblies. Not even assembly, but just touching up boards that we've soldered on a solder pot...which will lead to another question. We're using SAC 305 WS482 3

voids when waving

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 09 12:41:56 EST 2007 | coop

I have recently been handed over the waving operation here, and am unclear on how to address our recent issue with our Wave. We are using AIM WS-715M Flux in a Foam fluxer, and are using AIM SN-100C in the wave. The problem is on several of the assem

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