Industry Directory: xy data from solder pad gerber (8)

Shenzhen Tebo Software Technology Co.,Ltd.

Industry Directory | Consultant / Service Provider

Tebo ICT ATE FCT MDA test fixture Probe GC-PowerStation Testway Unisoft valor Trilogy-5000 UGS-Tecnomatix ODBinside Cadence CAMCAD IDF4.0 ECAD Strain-Gauge FEA BSA Board-Stress-Analysis CircuitWor

New SMT Equipment: xy data from solder pad gerber (78)

Unisoft ProntoGERBER CONNECTION - Gerber Translation Software

Unisoft ProntoGERBER CONNECTION - Gerber Translation Software

New Equipment | Software

If you have only Gerber data files to work with then ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION can help you!  ProntoGERBER-CONNECTION imports raw Gerber data and allows the user to add intelligent information to the shapes on the display and create process assembly

UNISOFT Corporation

PMP-500 First Article Tester V2.0

PMP-500 First Article Tester V2.0

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

PMP-500 First Article Tester V2.0 PTI-500 First Article Inspection Tester Overview PTI-500 First Article Inspection Tester is mainly used for the first article inspection of the SMT production process in electronics factories. The operation of the t

Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Electronics Forum: xy data from solder pad gerber (169)

obtain XY data from solder pad gerber drawing????

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 00:05:54 EDT 2011 | vinitverma

PROCAM is intended to extract Centroid from the raw Gerber only. You just need to have 2 layers (paste or mask layer - to identify pads, and silk layer - for reference designators). Centroid is the output of PROCAM.

obtain XY data from solder pad gerber drawing????

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 13:18:23 EDT 2011 | alcatel

Problem is I dont have the centroid file. I only have the gerber file...

Used SMT Equipment: xy data from solder pad gerber (6)



Used SMT Equipment | Pick and Place/Feeders

PEMTRON SPI TROI-7700HD    Technology & Features:   Dual Projection Combination of 2D & 3D inspection eliminates common shadow problem with SPI systems. 64 bit Windows 7 Operation System Fast & Stable Operating System for high density PCB.

QYSMT SOLUTION USA LLC / Qinyi Electronics Co.,Ltd

Marantz XCL

Marantz XCL

Used SMT Equipment | AOI / Automated Optical Inspection

M22XDL• Automatic Optical Inspection of PCB’s• Inspects: – SMT & THT Components (presence, type, polarity, offset, text etc)– Reflow and Wave Solder Joints (including meniscus)– Solder Paste (2 dimensional)• High Speed Digital XGA Colour Camera (Came

Fix Trade BV

Industry News: xy data from solder pad gerber (155)

GPD Global to Demonstrate World-Class Dispensing Systems at the IPC APEX EXPO

Industry News | 2013-01-16 19:22:48.0

GPD Global will exhibit in Booth #2633 at the upcoming IPC APEX EXPO. Live demonstrations will be given for a number of systems from the company's dispensing line.

GPD Global

How to Export Gerber Files from Eagle

Industry News | 2018-10-18 09:45:34.0

How to Export Gerber Files from Eagle

Flason Electronic Co.,limited

Parts & Supplies: xy data from solder pad gerber (4)

ASC International 3D SPI-7500 Vision CE

ASC International 3D SPI-7500 Vision CE

Parts & Supplies | SPI / Solder Paste Inspection

Quick programming, friendly programming interface Multiple measurement methods True one-button measurement Eight-way motion button, one-click focus Adjustable scanning pitch Solder paste 3D simulation function Powerful SPC function MARK

KingFei SMT Tech

Saki Saki 3D SPI machine

Parts & Supplies | Soldering Equipment/Fluxes

3D Solder Paste Inspection Machine  Features : Easy to use by fully motorize X-Y scan mechanism. Easy to program by Gerber image navigator Easy to repeat the same job by loading the saved program User-friendly color image live view operation Ea

Goodluck Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd

Technical Library: xy data from solder pad gerber (2)

An Investigation into the Use of Nano-Coated Stencils to Improve Solder Paste Printing with Small Stencil Aperture Area Ratios

Technical Library | 2017-09-28 16:36:33.0

These nano-coatings also refine the solder paste brick shape giving improved print definition. These two benefits combine to help the solder paste printing process produce an adequate amount of solder paste in the correct position on the circuit board pads. Today, stencil aperture area ratios from 0.66 down to 0.40 are commonly used and make paste printing a challenge. This paper presents data on small area ratio printing for component designs including 01005 Imperial (0402 metric) and smaller 03015 metric and 0201 metric chip components and 0.3 mm and 0.4 mm pitch micro BGAs.


Factors That Influence Side-Wetting Performance on IC Terminals

Technical Library | 2023-08-04 15:27:30.0

A designed experiment evaluated the influence of several variables on appearance and strength of Pb-free solder joints. Components, with leads finished with nickel-palladium-gold (NiPdAu), were used from Texas Instruments (TI) and two other integrated circuit suppliers. Pb-free solder paste used was tin-silver-copper (SnAgCu) alloy. Variables were printed wiring board (PWB) pad size/stencil aperture (the pad finish was consistent; electrolysis Ni/immersion Au), reflow atmosphere, reflow temperature, Pd thickness in the NiPdAu finish, and thermal aging. Height of solder wetting to component lead sides was measured for both ceramic plate and PWB soldering. A third response was solder joint strength; a "lead pull" test determined the maximum force needed to pull the component lead from the PWB. This paper presents a statistical analysis of the designed experiment. Reflow atmosphere and pad size/stencil aperture have the greatest contribution to the height of lead side wetting. Reflow temperature, palladium thickness, and preconditioning had very little impact on side-wetting height. For lead pull, variance in the data was relatively small and the factors tested had little impact.

Texas Instruments

Videos: xy data from solder pad gerber (35)

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export to an assembly machine program set up file.

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export to an assembly machine program set up file.

Videos - The ProntoPLACE module from Unisoft is used by electronics manufacturers to generate the necessary programs for automatic PCB assembly machines in minutes. ProntoPLACE programs most popular surface mount (SMT) place

UNISOFT Corporation

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export setup files for ATE, flying probe ATE and design 'bed of nails' fixturing.

Example of how to import CAD data and BOM files, and export setup files for ATE, flying probe ATE and design 'bed of nails' fixturing.

Videos - In minutes the Unisoft ProntoTEST-FIXTURE software translates CAD & BOM files into real reference designators, netlists, X/Y component pin geometries, values, tolerances, part numbers, etc. This data is used by Test

UNISOFT Corporation

Events Calendar: xy data from solder pad gerber (1)

Free Vacuum Reflow Workshop

Events Calendar | Tue Nov 05 00:00:00 EST 2019 - Tue Nov 05 00:00:00 EST 2019 | North Billerica, Massachusetts USA

Free Vacuum Reflow Workshop

BTU International

Career Center - Jobs: xy data from solder pad gerber (4)

Packaging Engineer

Career Center | Sherman, Texas USA | Engineering,Production,Research and Development,Technical Support

SMT Packaging Engineer: Location: Texas - Sherman , TX Group: HVAL Degree Requirements: BS ME/ChemE/Materials The person in this position will have the ability to make very significant financial contributions to TI because this is a very critic

Texas Instruments

SMT Stencil designer/CAD designer for the local electronic assembly industry

Career Center | San Diego, California USA | Engineering,Management,Production

Customer interaction, inventory and delivery of Stencils. In charge of the Satellite Operation in San Diego, Ca. Report to Headquarters in Lake Forest, Ca. Duties and responsibilities: Take full responsibility for the Satellite Operation facility.

I-Source Technical Services, Inc.

Career Center - Resumes: xy data from solder pad gerber (14)

CAD CAM (SMT Stencil Design) Engr &Team leader

Career Center | Bangalore, India | Engineering,Maintenance,Production,Technical Support

SMT Stencil designing & Knowledge of full SMT process software known CAD/CAM -circuit CAM Pro 7.3,GC Power station, GCCAM Edit,Auto CAD, Fault finding of Electronic Boards & Servicing electronic machines.

New Product Introduction(NPI) Engineer

Career Center | Bangalore-560026, Karnataka India | Engineering,Maintenance,Technical Support

New Product Introduction & Product dovelopment

Express Newsletter: xy data from solder pad gerber (1135)

SMT Express, Issue No. 3 - from

SMT Express, Issue No. 3 - from Volume 1, Issue No. 3 Wednesday, August 18, 1999 Featured Article Return to Previous Page BGA REWORK Earl Moon Proof Of Design (POD) PART INSPECTION BEFORE OPERATIONS Always inspect part

SMT Express, Volume 4, Issue No. 5 - from

SMT Express, Volume 4, Issue No. 5 - from Volume 4, Issue No. 5 Thursday, May 23, 2002 Featured Article Return to Front Page << Back to Page 4             2. Numerical Data: This display of values allows the user to see

Partner Websites: xy data from solder pad gerber (554)

Circuitcam Data Translator

GPD Global |

: CircuitCAM Express CircuitCAM Express converts data from external sources into a fully functional GPD Global FLOware software program. Data formats such as Gerber, GENCAD, Mentor Graphics, and numerous other ASCII formats are compatible with the translator

GPD Global

PCB Libraries Forum : File TXT or Gerber?

PCB Libraries, Inc. |

? : From most decent CAD systems you... Author: jamesheadSubject: 362Posted: 17 Jun 2012 at 6:38amFrom most decent CAD systems you should have a report output facility and the programmers would have given you a pre-written report format for output of component x/y data

PCB Libraries, Inc.

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Voidless Reflow Soldering

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
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Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
PCB Handling Machine with CE

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