Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 10 12:23:27 EDT 2015 | utosun
The recommended wash concentration for stencil cleaning with VIGON SC200 is 25% and this should be confirmed using the ZESTRON BA-20 bath analysis kit. Additional cleaning recommendations are: Wash temperature should be approximately 25 degrees C. /
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 08:55:01 EDT 2007 | grics
Well... Some are worse than others... How can you identify that it is caused by uncured mask and not flux residues? The flux is from indium, 3592. Some research in their tech library revealed that either Kyzen or Zestron would work, which is the re
Industry News | 2021-08-23 10:19:14.0
Atlanta, GA – Koh Young, the industry leader in True3D™ measurement-based inspection solutions, is excited to be a corporate sponsor at the upcoming four-day virtual SMTA chapter event "Failure is Never an Option - A Deep Dive into Failure Analysis". The event is free to SMTA members and is being held between 7-10 September 2021 from 12:15-1:25pm EST on each day. Register today at https://smta.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1545532&group=.
The World’s First Automated Concentration Measurement System For Electronics Cleaning Processes The ZESTRON® EYE consists of a sensor and a controller that can be fully integrated with commonly used cleaning machine types and manufacturers. Specific
Incorporating the ZESTRON® EYE's 3P-Technology, the ZESTRON® EYE CM monitors and controls wash bath concentration in real time. This stand alone concentration management system easily integrates with batch and inline cleaning systems. It is independe
SMTnet Express, March 06, 2014, Subscribers: 22524, Members: Companies: 13810, Users: 35835 Investigation and Development of Tin-Lead and Lead-Free Solder Pastes to Reduce the Head-In-Pillow Component Soldering Defect. Jasbir Bath, Roberto Garcia