New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
Flip Up SMT Rework Stencils are laser cut solder paste stencils designed to replicate the intial manufacturing process albeit for a designated component or selected area. These laser cut mini stencils can either have flaps (to prevent neighboring are
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
Miniature SMT Rework Stencils are laser cut solder paste stencils designed to replicate the intial manufacturing process albeit for a designated component or select area. These laser cut mini stencils can either have flaps (to prevent neighboring are
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
SMT Prototype Stencils are laser cut solder paste prototype stencils designed to work on their own for hand printing. These laser cut prototype stencils do not need to be permanently glued in a frame. These so-called framelessstencils are less expens
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
Eliminate hours of solder mask damage repair time for bga sites while improving rework yield. Are you frustrated by the time it takes to repair mask damage underneath the BGA during the rework process? Are you squeezed for space on the PCB in an
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
For the DIYer, hobbyist or technical researcher there are times where all you need is a simple means to apply solder paste for SMT devices for a few simple boards. In those cases a plastic SMT stencil may be the right solution. Eliminate the tedious
Fine Line Stencil’s new UltraSlic™ FG solder paste stencil is the latest breakthrough in stencil technology. With superior paste release below surface area ratios of 0.5, UltraSlic™ FG outperforms all other existing stencil technologies on the market
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
Laser Fab, NiPlate™, NanoCoat™. NicAlloy-XT™ stencils are the premier laser-cut stencils in the industry. Beginning life as a laser-cut stencil, followed by a secondary process utilizing Photo Stencil’s own proprietary NiPlate™ technology, which fur
ProActiv is a breakthrough process technology that dramatically improves solder paste transfer efficiency with stencil printing. It redefines the boundaries of Area Ratio rules for stencil apertures, which dictate the smallest apertures that can be p
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
Laser cut stainless steel stencil with nano coating from LaserJob. The patented NanoWork - stencil from LaserJob is based on a laser cut SMD stencil. Since 2007 LaserJob coates SMD - stencils and step stencils in an in-house process. The NanoWork co
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
DEK’s Nano-ProTek technology is a permanent, hydrophobic nano-coating that, when applied to the bottom-side of the stencil foil and stencil aperture walls, minimizes solder paste’s ability to stick to the foil surface. Up to a 10X increase in the num