Component verification system to prevent loading of wrong part number to the placement machine. We are the first in the industry to introduce component verification concept 10 years ago and continue to be the leader in this area. Our concept of open
New Equipment | Selective Soldering
The PLUS of Flexibility and Precision. Time plays a key role in modern electronic production. With the SelectLine SEHO developed a selective soldering system featuring miniwave processes. Its revolutionary design convinces with highest precision and
New Equipment | Selective Soldering
For flexible miniwave soldering processes and dip soldering processes that guarantee short cycle times. The high-end system which leaves nothing to be desired. Maximum Power for Your Selective Production. SEHO PowerSelective is featured with an ou
New Equipment | Wave Soldering
The modular system for medium production volumes, to be soldered in ambient atmosphere or with local nitrogen inertion of the solder bath. With the wave soldering system PowerWave, SEHO consequently realized a machine concept that offers a remarkab
New Equipment | Wave Soldering
The ideal system for entry into automated wave soldering and small production volumes. Compact... but with technology of a high-end system. The GoWave is a powerful soldering system for those just entering into mass-soldering operations. This sy
New Equipment | Test Equipment
Inline Test Handler with its modular test handler program, we provide cost-efficient solutions for the most varied test tasks. One concept, many variants is our basic idea; all components of the module system are matched with each other and can be co
Compact Premium Modular Mounter Compact Premium Modular Mounters SIGMA-G4 and SIGMA-G5 achieve high productivity and high quality with functions such as direct drive head, overdrive motion detection apparatus, and linear motor driven XY beams. SIGM
New Equipment | Wave Soldering
Maximum flexibility and performance - state of the art full tunnel nitrogen wave soldering system for demanding applications and high production volumes. Based on SEHO's worldwide leading nitrogen technology, the precision machine tooling and the m
Compact machine technology for small and medium-sized production series with convincing price-performance-ratio. Attractive Performance - Attractive Design - Attractive Price With a heating zone length of 1850 mm or 2350 mm the convection reflow
New Equipment | Wave Soldering
For medium production volumes with demanding quality requirements. The smallest full tunnel nitrogen wave soldering system from SEHO. The wave soldering system SEHO PowerWave N2 is designed for medium to large production volumes and is ideally sui