This microprocessor based steering angle sensor provides real-time steering angle data over the CAN-Bus. Automotive electronics present demanding requirements to the electronic product designer. High volume, low cost and highly rugged, feature packed
CAN USB adapter to easily connect your CAN bus to a PC for diagnostic or monitoring purposes. Includes DLL for customizing your CAN interface. Compact size (Length: 55mm, Width: 36mm, Height: 16mm) 1m shielded USB lead Free Virtual Com Port soft
CAN adapters allow to connect a PC to CAN networks in industrial automation or automotive monitoring applications. The access is given by USB 2.0 or TCP/IP. By using a special library user applications control CAN networks via any of the converter mo
.Hardware development: Analog- und digitaltechnique, highfrequenztechnique Intel, Motorola, SPS, TI DSP AT-, SCSI-, VME-, MIL-, CAN-Bus .Software development: DOS, Windows 3.1x/95/NT, UNIX Assembler, Basic, ADA, FORTRAN, Pascal, Delphi, C/C++ (Borlan
Overview The DCAN is a stand-alone controller for the Controller Area Network (CAN) widely used in automotive and industrial applications. DCAN conforms to Bosch CAN 2.0B specification (2.0B Active). Core has simple CPU interface (8/16/32 bit confi
New Equipment | Cable & Wire Harness Equipment
Overview The WireStacker 3100 is a modular high-performance wire stacker for the precise, axial stacking of cables. The system consists of either a base element of 2.5 m (8.2 ft) or a base element with an extrension to 5 m (16.4 ft). The modules ca
New Equipment | Industrial Automation
Sales Manager: Sandy Lin Email: Skype: onlywnn_1 Mobile(Whatsapp): (+86)-18020776786 XIAMEN YUEHANG COMPUTER ENGINEERING CO.LTD. is a company that professionally engaged in large system DCS spare parts supply. We supply DCS, PLC, M
New Equipment | Industrial Automation
Sales Manager: Sandy Lin Email: Skype: onlywnn_1 Mobile(Whatsapp): (+86)-18020776786 XIAMEN YUEHANG COMPUTER ENGINEERING CO.LTD. is a company that professionally engaged in large system DCS spare parts supply. We supply DCS, PLC, M
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