New SMT Equipment: dwg (Page 1 of 4)

dwgBase dwg/dxf Search Engine and Database Creation Tool

New Equipment |  

How Much $$$ Are You Losing By Just LOOKING At Your Drawings? (What You SEE Is Only The Tip of The Iceberg!) NEW CONCEPT: All the visual features of a drawing are permanently stored IN the drawing file and become part of the content. In the field, t

CADATA Consulting Ltd.



New Equipment | Software

EasyGerb allows you to export Gerber files while inside AutoCAD (2013 thru 2018) - Simply select any entities and create Gerber files - instantly! This tool is by far the easiest-to-use Gerber conversion solution for any AutoCAD user. NO DXF OR DWG

Numerical Innovations

PCB & Flex Scanning

New Equipment | Other

PCB Scanning (Bared boards, de-assembled boards and Flex boards) Reasons to scan an existing circuit board may include: • To help you duplicate or document your board. • If you have lost or your files are corrupted. Later you can modify the curre

Rapid PCB Engineering

EasyGerb V7

EasyGerb V7

New Equipment | Software

EasyGerb: The Easiest Gerber Export for AutoCAD Users ™ New! Version 7 Released - Now Supports AutoCAD 2017.  NO DXF OR DWG FILES NEEDED - EasyGerb outputs Gerber files in the same time it takes to create a DXF! EasyGerb allows you

Numerical Innovations

FAB 3000

FAB 3000

New Equipment | Software

The Most Easy to Use Gerber Editor, Panelization, & DFM Tool Available." FAB 3000 is a "Full-Featured" CAM software package targeted for anyone who would like to have "high-end" CAM software to run advanced DRC/DFM verifications, gen

Numerical Innovations

FAB 3000 V7 - CAM Software Solution

FAB 3000 V7 - CAM Software Solution

New Equipment | Software

Run Advanced DRC/DFM Checks, Panelize multiple PCB Designs, Generate Cenroid Files, Netlist Comparison, Import/Export Gerber's, ODB++, DXF, DWG and more 1 CAM Tool - With 100's of Solutions. Plus it's Affordable! A "Full-Featured" CAM software pac

Numerical Innovations



New Equipment |  

Now take your designs and drawings to the field or shop floor with PowerCAD CE, the world's first full-featured 2/3D CAD line for the exploding world of Windows CE mobile/wireless computing. PowerCAD CE features exceptional AutoCAD compatibility to R

GiveMePower Corp.


New Equipment |  

Producers of the world's first full-function Mobile/Wireless CAD software. Now take your designs and drawings to the field or shop floor with PowerCAD CE, the world's first full-featured CAD line for the exploding world of Windows CE mobile/wireless

GiveMePower Corp.

Single silicone rubber button LED lights membrane switch

Single silicone rubber button LED lights membrane switch

New Equipment | Other

Specification: Material:Polyester or Polycarbonate Artwork Format:CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator AI or EPS, AutoCAD Dwg or DXF Tactile Feel:Is determined by the thickness of the overlayer. Normally between 0.06” -0.08". Color Verification:Pantone M

Shenzhen Taida Membrane Switch Co.,LTD

Laser Cut PCB Stencils

Laser Cut PCB Stencils

New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils

Solder Paste Printing Stencils The industry standard to manufacture solder paste stencils is to use Yag lasers with the capability to cut to a tolerance of +/- .0002". Stentech, with 12 Yag lasers across North America, can provide you the quality an


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High Throughput Reflow Oven

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
Thermal Interface Material Dispensing

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications