New SMT Equipment: ekra plastic (Page 1 of 1)

SMT stencil clean rolls

SMT stencil clean rolls

New Equipment | Materials

Stencil Clean Rolls: Machine Specification  Core MINAMI ¢8mm*270mm*6m Plastic Core: 290mm EKRA ¢13.5mm*300mm*7m Paper Core:400mm ¢13.5mm*400mm*7m Paper Core:400mm MPM ¢19.5mm*250mm*10m Paper Core:455mm ¢19.5mm*300mm*10m Paper Core:455mm ¢19.5m


EKRA printing scraper Stainless steel blade piece

EKRA printing scraper Stainless steel blade piece

New Equipment | Assembly Services

EKRA printing scraper Stainless steel blade piece This photo parameters: The blade length The blade width The thickness of the blade Hole and the hole spacing Hole center to the edge of the distance The number of holes

Goodluck Electronic Equipment Co.,Ltd

SMT Stencil cleanroom wiper rolls

SMT Stencil cleanroom wiper rolls

New Equipment | Cleaning Equipment

Stencil Wiping Rolls are used to remove residual solder paste from the bottom side of PC Board stencils. Using Stencil Wiping Rolls prevents smearing, bridging, and solder balls caused by normal printing of solder paste onto PC Boards. We manufactur

Shenzhen Esocoo Industrial Co., Ltd.


ekra plastic searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications
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High Precision Fluid Dispensers
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Stencil Printing 101 Training Course

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