New Equipment | Assembly Services
Hitech Circuits has been participated in hundreds and thousands of LED lighting projects, by providing LED PCB and also LED PCB assembly service. Our LED PCB assembly had covered both ends of the Lighting Class LED size spectrum, assembling some of
2.0 Cmk @ ± 25 μmProduct description: DEK E Seriels SMT Stencil Printer E by DEK, core cycle time: 8 seconds, Substrate size: 620 mm (X) x 508.5 mm (Y), System alignment capability: > 2.0 Cmk @ ± 25 μm DEK E SMT Stencil Printer DEK E SMT Stenc
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
The BEST EZReball™ process is the answer to your reballing problems. This BGA reballing process simplifies the process while eliminating the clean up of all those paper remnants, allowing for better yields and faster reballing times. The simplicity o
Ideally suited for repetitive screening of components in JEDEC trays. Inspection of large quantities and high throughput.
FACTS²™ DF2400™ C‑SAM® Automated In-line Inspection Tool for Defect-Free Production Without Sacrificing Throughput The FACTS²™ delivers state-of-the-art, automated in-line inspection for quality and process control. Delivering high throughput wit
As the #1 circuit protection company in the world Littelfuse offers the largest selection of fuses available, including surface mount, axial, glass or ceramic, thin-film or Nano2® style, fast-acting or SloBlo®, MINI® and ATO® fuses. In fact, many of
We can help you eliminate rust, tarnish, corrosion, poor wetting and add years to your components or PC boards shelf-life. Dasal Technical Products, Inc. markets and distributes a state-of-the-art technology for the preservation and protection of met
We can help you elimante rust, tarnish, corrosion, poor wetting and years to your components and PC boards shelf-life. Dasal Technical Products, Inc. markets and distributes a state-of-the-art technology for the preservation and protection of metals.
Minami�s Rotary Squeegee is a high precision print head with enclosed print material (solder, adhesive, etc.) allotted from inexpensive laminated plastic bags. It applies the �paste rolling formula�. Real time paste monitoring ensures the optimum amo
Circuit Techs operates on the west coast providing printed circuit board repair, rework & modification. Our goal at Circuit Techs is to bring our customers the value added service that they demand and back it with our unprecedented quality and relia