New SMT Equipment: gsm matrix tray (Page 1 of 2)

QWIKTRAY Custom Matrix Trays for Electronic Components

QWIKTRAY Custom Matrix Trays for Electronic Components

New Equipment | Pick & Place

Do you have a unique component that isn’t available in tape and reel? Tired of hand placing those components because you don’t have a compatible feeder? Can’t find JEDEC trays for your components and you need one yesterday? The answer to all of

Count On Tools, Inc.

JEDEC Matrix tray for QFPs

JEDEC Matrix tray for QFPs

New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage

Precision Jedec tray that protects the leads on the components. Clear ESD covers available to store or ship components. Our trays are more accurate and competitively priced over molded trays. Matrix Tray Holding 10 2x2s

MB Manufacturing

SMD Hand Tools

SMD Hand Tools

New Equipment | Hand Assembly

Practical Components is an authorized distributor and handles the complete line of products for companies that include: Weller Tools, Xcelite Tools, Tech Spray, BeauTech, Omni Training Aids and others. Training Aids IPC Training / Certificatio

Practical Components, Inc.

Fuji AIM - Flexible PCB Assembler

Fuji AIM - Flexible PCB Assembler

New Equipment | Pick & Place

New from Fuji, the AIM board assembler is designed specifically for the High Mix/Low Volume and prototyping environments. The AIM provides 180 feeder inputs, a placement range from 0201 components thru 74mm square and a rated speed of 20,300 cph.

Fuji America Corporation

Flexys-8 SMT Placement System

Flexys-8 SMT Placement System

New Equipment |  

A very competitive solution for a wide range of low to medium volume assembly requirements. By utilizing proven Europlacer technology the system features the high capability, flexibility and quality of existing systems in a package offering excellent

XPO Automation

SMT Tooling

SMT Tooling

New Equipment | Board Handling - Pallets,Carriers,Fixtures

Screen Printing, Placement, and Reflow; all are Surface Mount Technology processes which present demands that can benefit from the use of specialized SMT fixtures and tooling. And if you are working with flex circuitry, your process requires it. Tak

Pentagon EMS

CS40 Benchtop Automated Pick and Place Machine

CS40 Benchtop Automated Pick and Place Machine

New Equipment | Pick & Place

Cost effective automatic pick and place machine, built with the highest quality at affordable capital expenditure. Benchtop model with advanced, low cost solutions for low volume SMT placement applications. The CS40 Pick and Place Machine is specif

DDM Novastar Inc

Finesse 2 SMT Placement System

Finesse 2 SMT Placement System

New Equipment |  

The Finesse� offers a throughput rate of 12,500 CPH with a vast feeder capacity of 198 x 8mm tapes plus Internal Matrix Tray positions in a remarkably compact footprint. This machine incorporates all of the sophistications which are common throughout

XPO Automation

Europlacer IICO with integrated intelligence

Europlacer IICO with integrated intelligence

New Equipment | Pick & Place

198 feeder capacity 9100 CPH Full spectrum component placement, from 0201 to 50mm x 50mm 8 spindle rotary turret with optical sensors, 3D, and  BGA lighting/inspection Internal matrix trays with no intrusion 40 position "smart" nozzle tool

4 Tech Electronics Inc.

LE-40V Benchtop Automated Pick & Place Machine

LE-40V Benchtop Automated Pick & Place Machine

New Equipment | Pick & Place

Benchtop Automated Pick & Place with Vision Centering The DDM Novastar LE40V Pick & Place Machine, with Cognex(R) Vision System, provides SMT and PCB assemblers with the accuracy they require for placement of virtually all SMT components. With its

DDM Novastar Inc

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Software for SMT

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
Fluid Dispensing, Staking, TIM, Solder Paste

High Throughput Reflow Oven
Fluid Dispensing, Staking, TIM, Solder Paste

Best Reflow Oven
SMT feeders

World's Best Reflow Oven Customizable for Unique Applications

Original SMT Feeders and spares for Panasonic, Fuji , Yamaha, Juki , Samsung