New SMT Equipment: hp3070 fixture motherboard (Page 1 of 1)

Medalist i1000D In-Circuit Test System

Medalist i1000D In-Circuit Test System

New Equipment | Test Equipment

The Agilent Medalist i1000 in-circuit test (ICT) system is a low-cost in-circuit test solution which now comes with digital testing capabilities while maintaining its original low-cost fixture solution. The Medalist i1000 in-circuit test (ICT) syst

Agilent Technologies, Inc.

BGA rework station cf260

BGA rework station cf260

New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment

Feature: 1. Adopt high standard materials(PLC, temperature table, heater) to allow better control of soldering/de-soldering process. 2. 3 independent heating areas from top to bottom. 3. (K Sensor) closed loop, independent heating 4. Protect the

HuiKe Tech


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