Our company engages used SMT machines for many years,FUJII CP6-4000, CP642, CP643, CP743, CP8?YAMAHA100ii, 1OOX, 100XG; JUKI 760, 750, 2050, 2060. Samsung CP45FV?NEO?and Panasonic models.etc. The running is very good, and the price is very competitiv
We have full range of laser LA SENSOR for JUKI pick & place equipment. New or used available. Pls kindly note highly professional repair service with moderate price from us also. For KE750 P/N:E9630721000 For KE760/740 P/N:E9635725000 For KE2060/2
Our company main business as follows: 1. 2 JUKI SMT equipment We Buy, Sell and Trade SMT Equipment, specifically JUKI Pick&placement Machine. All equipment brigade our facilities is guaranteed to be fully functional, with no missing parts and in f
HONGKONG FUHUA INDUSTRIAL LIMITED's main business is SMT equipment�Bparts as well as provide development�Bproduction�Bsales�Band maintenance of assistant equipment, there are jointing technique department�Bmechanism department etc in my company,and
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