New SMT Equipment: juki matrix tray changer (Page 1 of 1)

CS40 Benchtop Automated Pick and Place Machine

CS40 Benchtop Automated Pick and Place Machine

New Equipment | Pick & Place

Cost effective automatic pick and place machine, built with the highest quality at affordable capital expenditure. Benchtop model with advanced, low cost solutions for low volume SMT placement applications. The CS40 Pick and Place Machine is specif

DDM Novastar Inc

LE40 Benchtop SMT Pick and Place Machine

LE40 Benchtop SMT Pick and Place Machine

New Equipment | Pick & Place

Benchtop model with the finest assembly precision for low to medium volume assembly production. LE40 benchtop model of pick and place machines offers technologically advanced, low cost solutions for low to medium volume SMT placement applications.

DDM Novastar Inc


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