New Equipment | Rework & Repair Services
On the cutting edge of technology, we offer a full line of high tech services to assist contract manufacturer's and product research and developers. Specializing in quick turn around times to help get your product to market on time. Training Serv
New Equipment | Education/Training
This course is designed for students that require the hands-on skill and knowledge to reliably remove and install many types of the most complex BGA components. Students are taught methods for safe and reliable BGA component rework using a top of the
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
DESEN Hito SPECIFICATIONS Process Parameters Specification Machine Alignment Capability ≥2 Cpk@±18μm@,6σ Process Alignment Capability ≥2 Cpk@±8μm@,6σ Cycle Time 7s Maximum Print Area 400mm
New Equipment | Solder Paste Stencils
DESEN Classic 1008 SPECIFICATIONS Process Parameters Specification Machine Alignment Capability ≥2 Cpk@±25μm@,6σ Process Alignment Capability ≥2 Cpk@±10μm@,6σ Cycle Time 7s Maximum
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