New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
NEW! Nitrogen Capable for High Yield Lead Free BGA Rework NEW! Movable top and bottom gas heaters. NEW! All Shuttle Star BGA Rework Stations are now available with Cabinet Base on wheels. For high volume BGA Rework on even the largest computer a
Ersa HOTFLOW 4/20 Reflow Oven Working width: 45-560 mm Process length: 5,920 mm Heated length: 3,805 mm Cooling length: 2,115 mm Weight appr. 2,600 kg Dimension: 6,600x1,410x1,350 mm Ersa HOTFLOW 4/20 Reflow Oven Ersa HOTFLOW 4/20 Reflow Oven
Ersa HOTFLOW 4/8 Reflow Oven Working width: 45-560 mm Process Length: 3,260 mm Length Heated: 1,525 mm Length Cooled: 1,735 mm Weight app. 1,100 kg Dimension: 3,905x1,410x1,350 mm Ersa HOTFLOW 4/8 Reflow Oven Ersa HOTFLOW 4/8 Reflow Oven High
To protect components and materials from moisture and oxygen contamination.
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
1ClickSMT Technology offers full range of various dry storage cabinets ensures that your production is based on the IPC/JEDEC Standard STD-033B for moisture sensitive devices. 240L Dry Cabinet Series Features: LED display; conveniently display t
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
1ClickSMT Technology offers full range of various dry storage cabinets ensures that your production is based on the IPC/JEDEC Standard STD-033B for moisture sensitive devices. LED display; conveniently display temperature(Left/Green) and humidity
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
1ClickSMT Technology offers full range of various dry storage cabinets ensures that your production is based on the IPC/JEDEC Standard STD-033B for moisture sensitive devices. LED display; conveniently display temperature(Left/Green) and humidity
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
Prevent your components from micro-cracking during reflow with proper Ultra-Low Humidity Storage. DXU models of maintain1%RH Wide range of cabinets including UL/C models Conforms to IPC/JEDEC J-STD 033B.1 Dehumidifies ICs to prevent micro-crack
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
Dr. Storage offers the most diverse selection of Dry Cabinets in the industry. The latest Dr. Storage cabinets include cabinets drying at 1% RH, drying at less than 1% RH and baking at 60°C. Cabinets are plug and play so they are up and running easil
New Equipment | Board Handling - Storage
Eureka XDC-2001 Fast Super Dryer Ultra Low Humidity Dry Cabinet Specs Anti-static Glass, Anti-static Paint on Body and Shelves, Anti-static Caster / Stands, 1 M ω Ground Wire Capacity: 1314 L