New Equipment | Cable & Wire Harness Equipment
Compact, Stand-Alone Pulse-Heat Pulse Heat System The SMR features a Pulse Heat power output which provides controlled temperature ramp-up to reflow temperatures, reducing thermal shock risk and unwanted heating of adjacent solder joints. The syste
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
ST 115 Digital Desoldering Station with SX-100 Sodr-X-Tractor PACE's ST 115 features simplified interface with digital display and soft buttons, just push the arrow keys up or down to change temperature from 500-850°F (260-454°C) Fully P
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
There are no complicated controls to worry about with PACE's ST 75 ... just turn a dial to the temperature you need and you're ready to desolder! Self-Contained, Expandable Desoldering Station The ST 75 is a completely self-contained desoldering sy
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
Infrared BGA & SMT Rework at a Price that Can't Be Beat! The IR 1000 is a low-cost, remarkably flexible and effective rework system, capable of installing and removing passives, QFP's, SOIC's, PLCC's, MLF's, LCCC's, TSOP's, QFN's and BGA's. It is id
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
A Simple, Low Cost Solution to Damaged Circuitry PACE Cir-Kit Circuitry Repair Kits are a simple, low cost solution to damaged, lifted or missing circuitry on pc boards, allowing fast repair and modification per IPC 7721. Non-ThermoBond Cir-Kits are
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
Low-Cost Convective and Infrared System for SMT Rework The ST 925 combines three popular PACE products together into one convenient, low-cost SMT Rework System. The system is comprised of the ST 325 Programmable Convective/Hot Air Rework Station, th
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
Convective SMT Rework System is Fully Programmable The ST 325 is a digital, self-contained system that is fully programmable and can be used to remove or install surface mount components when individual or multiple operations are to be run. From the
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
Legendary Military Workhorse with Proven Reliability, Longevity & Durability Utilized at all major US and International Military depots, you'll find the PRC 2000 at shipboard repair shops, mobile maintenance vans and thousands of intermediate mainte
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
Patented Inductive-Convection Heating Technology Provides Ultimate Thermal Performance Conventional resistance coil heating technology has been successfully used in convective rework stations for decades to install and remove a variety of BGA, QFN,
New Equipment | Rework & Repair Equipment
Production BGA Installation & Rework WITHOUT the Expensive Nozzles! The IR 3000 is the most advanced BGA rework system available on the market today. It can easily install and remove BGA, QFN, µBGA/CSP, Flip Chip and other SMD's. Featuring a 500W in