New Equipment | Assembly Services
Panasonic NPM 03 nozzle head with nozzle exchanger
New Equipment | Assembly Services
panasonic NPM 03 nozzle head with nozzle exchanger
Panasonic NPM Series: Dispense, Place, Inspect Any-mix manufacturing platform solution for your changing, expanding, & evolving electronic assembly needs. NPM-D2 Dual Lane PCB Assembly Platform Dual lane place
New Equipment | Assembly Services
For Rental in worldwide : Panasonic NPM x 10 Panasonic CM602 x 6 Panasonic CM402 x 6 Siemens HS60 x 10 Siemens HF3/HF x 5 Yamaha YS24 x 2 Yamaha YS12 x 2 Yamaha YS12F x 2 All required feeders are included
Offers original SMT feeders for Panasonic/KME - Electronic Component Mounting Equipment Models as following AM100 NPM CM20 CM202 CM301 CM101 CM212 CM401 CM402 CM602 BM221 BM123 BM223 MV2 MV2C MV2F MV2V MV2VB MCF MSF MPAG3 MSR HT sales@smtbox.
Rental SMT machines / AI machines, or Full line (new or used). Panasonic : NPM D3, NPM D2, NPM D, NPM TT2, NPM TT, NPM W2, NPM W, CM602, CM402, CM212, DT401 Fuji : NXT M3III, M6III, M3II, M6II Siemens : X4 Universal : GC120, Genesis, Advantis Pan
Provide SMT Machines, AI machines, SMT Full Line (PCB assembly) Leasing service. New or used machine, we can help to provide Leasing service for partial payment on customer investment. Rentl for SMT machines, Full line or AI machine. Such as follo
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